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Posts posted by million

  1. Hey all... this article should clarify how the Bushy G and the Bastards were able get their grubby paws across the border to nab Emery.


    I'm also not a big fan of Emery's but I sure hope our government has the smarts not to extradite him. Should they choose to extradite, I sure hope that there is a lot of public resistance. Imagine the fuss it would cause if it happened the other way around with Canada bustin a guy in the USA. Not a good thing here!!!

  2. I've put ice in my bong, and I put a little brandy in once because I heard it added flavour (it did but fuck that would be an expensive thing to do all the time, besides the ganj tastes best by itself) but gasoline... had this guy not heard of gas huffing before??? Did he not realize that gas + bong + fire = possibly no head. It seems that the dumber someone is, the more they reproduce so let's hope TomFoolery is right! The funniest thing about it is the fact that he was compelled to tell other people in a very public way! At least blame your poor judgement on the acid!

  3. I've never tried the creative nomad jukebox before but have found that the better your mic, the better the results no matter what your actual recording device is. I use a mini disc which I doubt is the best on that side of things but the sound quality I get is fantastic nonetheless. I have used a few different mics and find that my Audio Technica AT831c mic is fantastic. I know a number of other tapers that now swear by this mic. It's not the cheapest (I think I paid around $400 for mine a couple of years ago) but is very small (a lavalier mic) so you have the capabilty to tape shows in stealth mode. I've done some shows where the venue didn't allow taping but the bands did. Some people think you need 2 mics for stereo sound but I use only one and double up the sound when I edit. I see guys all the time that have rigs with mics that are all of maybe 3' apart. It's kind of pointless since both will pic up virtually the same sounds (if you can manage to set up one on each side of the venue, that's a different story). Now this mic requires it's own power supply and I use a portable phantom power unit that converts 2 AAA batteries into 12 volts of power (and can do it for hours and hours... I always change the batteries well before they die). The unit is made by AKG and is model #B15. If you're using this with an AT831c mic, you'll need to convert the mic to XLR for the power unit. Anyway... I highly recommend the AT831c mic. It's been a fantastic mic for me.

    Now if it's your band you're recording, why not patch into the soundboard? You'd lose a lot of the crowd but would be able to easily get a good clean sound.

  4. Hey all,

    I just found this site!! Can't wait to read some more posts

    I recently moved to Brantford from North Bay and don't know all that many people yet. Looking for headies or other like minded people in the area to maybe chill with or hit festivals/shows with. I don't know where to go or what to do in this damn town, any help? :crazy:

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