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Posts posted by headymamamyrna

  1. A block heater uses 450KW and the rate I pay is 5.6cents not 10 .

    I have plugged it in for 12 to 14 hours the past few days so not bad.

    I just wanted an idea about the energy cost.

    It's all fine!

    Thanks anyway.

  2. Maybe someone can figure this out for me!

    If the block heater uses 450W(0.45kwh) and the average cost for a night is $0.41)

    What about $5.6 kwh?

    What is the average cost for a night?

    It doesn't seem like its that much considering we only need to plug a car in a few nights in JAnuary!!

  3. Does anyone know if a block heater in a car uses much energy.

    Some people tell me oh it doesn't use much and others say oh it uses a lot.

    I have been plugging my car in for at least 14 hours a day lately hoping it doesnt use too much.

    I know its worth it but!!!

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