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Posts posted by meggo

  1. i was talking to a buddy the other night, his name's andy he's from ottawa; i asked him if he knew nero and he said no BUT his dad owns a record store in ottawa and you wrote a song about him called "pops"?? is that right? it might help if i had a last name but i don't. thought it was an interesting tidbit.

  2. thanks honey! it does feel good. and weird. at western they try to give you a big inflated ego, on the first day they tell us "you're the elite, blah blah blah" and we're looking around going, "WE'RE the elite?? kind of a sorry-looking bunch, they have really lowered the standards for 'elite' status, haven't they!" hahahahahah... (sorry, i digress). it is still my dream to be a roadie ::

  3. hey, i *think* i'm getting it... that grumpy bastard, after getting his snide comment out of the way, DID post a very useful link to someone giving a long but comprehensive rundown of bittorrent. i'm just downloading the program now. i'll let you know how it goes, and thanks again for the link! - and for not being scary! :D

  4. okay i was thinking the gettin down and shakin your ass songs. this is more in the lovey wedding vein... how about "something" by harrison? i think that's a beauty.

    i know swifty and jen had "wasting my time" by phish as they walked down the aisle. might sound odd by the title... but i think it's fitting. "lindsay" by the shantee. this is fun.

  5. for me pretty much not at all. the only commercials for canadian beer that i can think of are for labatt and canadian. i only buy labatt if all the other beer stores are closed (the brewery stays open later). and i never, ever buy canadian. it reminds me of drunkass guys in first year university.

    i like to buy lots of different kinds of beer. in b.c. there were lots of microbrews that i got to like but i'm not so familiar with them here. you can still get big rock though, i like that.

    although!! i have to admit that last summer i bought keith's more often b/c they gave you a big free beermug. but i drink keith's normally, too.

    on another note, my sister just visited the anheuser-busch (sp?) brewery in missouri, and she said they still keep horses there as "tradition." weird eh!! and they have names like "bob" and "doug."

  6. you can drink beer if ya want - you just half to work your ass off harder. if you know you're going out boozin', hit up the gym for an extra 20 or 30 minutes before (or after - but usually it's easier to do before!)

    there's also the ever-popular "e" diet... this one works wonders... you dance your ass off and lose your appetite for a few days! i dropped 10 pounds with this little miracle last year. i'm pretty sure that's what richard simmons does.

    (btw i'm off the e-diet... the psycho mood swings i was getting wasn't worth it.. now it's the plain old gym for me ;))

    good luck!

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