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Posts posted by localcrew

  1. It is unthinkable that they wouldn't have constant contact with weather updates .......they had it last year and chose ro ignore it.......they also had amatuers who attached the back skinwith aircraft cables so it did not tear away in the wind as it was supposed to.....they also chose to rent a stage from a disreputable company and put it all in the hands of an incompetent rigger....

    ...we all hope for the best when we drive our car, go in an elevator etc......I hope for the best every day at work when I stand underneath these rigs ......I feel much more hopeful when there are skilled people making the right choices for the right reasons....that's where I choose to work...

  2. I rhink it was LN who paid the engineer to pass the stage as was said earlier......

    The stage company this year at Bluesfest used to be called volhoffer (sp?)...had at least one go down years ago and generally have a bad rep......now each of their stages is treated as it's own company under the umbrella company so if anyrhing goes wrong they can bankrupt that particular company and' carry on......ah well...hope for the best ......

  3. ...can't tell exactly what video screens those are in the picture but have worked with plenty that are that big and light enough that one person could lift it.......don't know what all is hanging from that roof though....

    I've heard that the band's management was involved in hiring an engineer who would let the gig go on after one refused to let it happen.

    ....on another cheery note-the only staging fail I have been part of in 10 years of staging Canada Day on P Hill was when the co. that is staging Blues Fest this year provided the stage-they ended up paying $300 an hour for 3 days crane rental to hold up the roof that failed.....as well as over $100,000 for a fancy P Hill fence post that they took out with one of their trucks-also only time I've seen that happen....NCC ended up impounding their gear for a while......they had a different name back then....

  4. From what I've heard of it (just the listening party on their site) this sounds great! It sounds like Dave really lowered Keith in the mix in parts which I actually am happy about since Keith was getting into his being REALLY hard to listen to stage while the rest of the band was playing gloriously. Keith was still really good at times but had tired of the band (and life in general?) and purposely played terribly at times.....

    As has been said Dave is an Ottawa guy that a lot of us know from 'in the day'......I had a lengthy dialogue with him last around the time the Sens were in the finals since he's a big fan of theirs.....he was also quite cathartic for me which I appreciate since I had some big personal stuff going on that involved a mutual friend and his legacy... He used to come to see my band in the old days and I think it was probably that same friend that turned him onto the Dead.....it was certainly that time in his (our) lives that it happened for us.....

    Small world eh?

  5. Waaaait a minute...(my sopa alert just went off)....I'm one of those union stage hands that works at the NAC and there's only about NINE of us for a show like this.

    ....kidding....there's two 'permanent' guys there...one lighting, one sound.....throw in a video guy if there are video elements and maybe one hand if there's a lot of gear....so 2-5 guys.....usually only the 2 though....

    Sometimes the NAC charges to rent the space to the performer but if it's an NAC production we may foot the bill ourselves....not sure of the arrangement on this series....will ask if I think of it.....

  6. ....from computer to computer over the Internet? Mac to pc and vice versa if it makes any difference......any ideas? I want to collaberate long distance with a friend on some recording projects. Any ideas would be welcome. I'm going offline for a couple weeks so won't be able to reply so offer my thanks in advance to any tips you may add here.

    All the best!

  7. You're probably right that the crowd itself is to be credited....I was going by what they said on the radio as per the evacuation going so well....

    All the media spin in the world won't help the organizers when an investigation takes place however when it comes to what happened to the stage and the injuries etc.

    An event like this has all the resources to have updated weather info and has only to act on that info. They are obligated to use these resources and it is prudent to be over cautious rather than hoping for the best.

    I am saying that they waited too long. In my experience they should have started taking measures such as at least clearing the stage ten minutes (five minutes at the latest) before it hit.....not when the stage was collapsing....this doesn't even take into account the safety of the audience on the field which they are responsible for as well.....

  8. .....I heard the Ministry of Labour may keep the wreckage in place for up to two weeks to investigate...not a good sign if you're Mark Monahan.....who knows though...there is such diverse info coming in from different angles....in today's industry there is no pardon given for having hoped for the best and having thought you probably did enough....

  9. At least the evacuation plan seemed to go smoothly.....good on em for that.

    I'm not impressed otherwise and wonder whether the fest is going to be sued into the stoneage. The first time I saw the big stage there a few years ago I said it would come down in a big storm.....in fact the same company had one come down a few years ago in Quebec....it's a relatively cheap stage.....put up by cheap labour.....signed off on by an uncertified rigger.....I think we talked about this in a thread about the stage collapsing out west last year....

    Granted it was a strong wind but that is what you should prepare for.....the big stage we build on Parliament Hill for example would not have collapsed-there's always some ugliness from a big storm like that and you should clear the deck and clean up after.....not have the whole thing collapse....

    They should have had warning that this thing was approaching as well and not have waited until the stage was falling down to take the next step.....they made some bad decisions there that may cost them......as fate would have it luckily nobody was killed which is a miracle!

  10. I think I would enjoy this movie version....though I must admit it is the kind of fantasy series that I just gave up on....I enjoyed it at first but it became far too political and complicated for my tastes. I could never remember who was who even though the story seemed to revolve around all the who's who...s....

    ....same with Robert Jordan....enjoyed the series until it got bogged down with al the psychological motivations of the multitudes of characters....may finish both series' one day though.....

    Alison Croggon has my attention in the fantasy dept lately-you should check her out. Interesting works she has done and this is her only foray into fantasy.....mostly has done poetry and plays I believe. Her story revolves around barfing and music too which resonates with musical types.

  11. I always think of my Grandfather who was at Vimy Ridge all those years ago....Paschendaelle too...he was gassed and shot and survived it all. Not many came back from the meat grinder that was WW1 but he made it. A sniper's bullet struck his arm directly in front of his heart as he was reaching for amno-an amno change that saved his life.

    God's speed Grandpa-we remember!

    .....on a related note I can't believe my grandfather fought in a war almost a hundred years ago.....wow!

  12. ....or should I say 'album's....

    At my website http://www.hydrophonica.com/

    Song list below. I think it sounds much more listenable....?....redid a few parts and remixed others.....

    Runaway Ghost

    Flower Station

    Fall Fallen Fell

    Kitchissippi Ward

    Lazy Bay

    Seen the Wind


    Dead Giveaway

    The High Ground


    Runaway Ghost

    Leave a Light on


    PS-I'm pretty close to 'releasing' another one....may be as close to listenable yet....

  13. Wow about Brent and Jeff....I've often wondered at how much better Jeff is than anybody since Brent in the band....

    Brian and Ryan is funny....nothing in common besides names and bdays though......I've worked with Brian Adams a few times and must say he's a very sweet guy....wouldn't be spinning his CDs but have all the time in the world for him on a personal level...

  14. The road crew certainly thinks very highly of Roger. It's quite a large crew and they say he has made a point of learning each of their names and finding time to get to know them all a bit. It's quite a large crew as you might suspect and a very grueling tour with the huge set.

    I was a bit surprised as I thought he might have been much more of an introvert if not a prima Dona....

    An interesting tidbit is that each of the bricks is a custom made piece of cardboard with foamcore tabs attached and costs $100.....there are I think 340 of them and are constantly being replaced because of wear and tear....

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