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Scarlet Begonia

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Posts posted by Scarlet Begonia

  1. I haven't been yet, but I am going. Everyone is pretty blown away by the detail of each specimen, so I've heard especially the nervous system. Although there is some controversy surrounding the "gathering" of the bodies and the plastinization process itself. Although I have seen a real cadaver and I am looking forward to leaving the smell behind and just looking at the beautiful inner workings of our bodies.

  2. "i don't like any of your music"

    "i came here hoping i had found a circle of people who were genuinely all about the music. i was let down."

    [color:green]You create your own reality!!

  3. I'm not sure if I know you or not but I saw your post and believe that a liver cleanse may be in order. Our liver performs over 500 functions for the body and is the only organ or bodily tissue for that matter that can regenerate itself.

    The liver produces hormones, stores and mobilizes energy, aids in digestion, filters blood --eliminates bacteria and detoxifies poisons, breaks down drugs --, produces vitamin D, and stores minerals(iron), produces essential immune system factors, monitors as well as manufactures countless other blood proteins to maintain the proper level and numbers of chemicals in the body.

    Over our lives our liver can become overwhelmed resulting in a sluggish and stressed internal environment. As well as upsetting the internal network of organs which are all interconnected and function optimally when everyone is working together as is the case in most situations. When the internal world is in upheavel so is the external.

    I hope this helps. A particular cleanse I would highly recommend and have used is "Milk Thistle Combo" from St. Francis Herb Farm. You can use other brands this one is excellent though.

    It is highly effective and I would recommend taking it 2x/day at the recommended dosage for 3 months and then off 1 month and repeat. You should start noticing changes quite quickly with in the first few weeks.

    http://www.stfrancisherbfarm.com/aboutus.aspx this link is for the homepage of the Herb Farm if you go to products at the top and then click on product application choose liver and you can get a lot more info including other liver cleansing herbs.

    Winter is also hard on mood, sunshine and fresh air are invaluable.

    Take care and I wish you many happy days ahead.

  4. I recently started reading The Mayan Factor by Dr. Jose Arguelles, it is great.

    The Maya were a very mysterious people who existence has been dated back as early as 4,00,000,000 years ago. Their culture seemed to have the ability to open points of entry from one world- realm into another, perhaps answering where they went and why they left behind so much detailed information about their culture including a much simpler yet far more accurate mathematical system than we possess today.

    This author and more information is available at

    http://www.13moon.com/time-is-art.htm this site is mostly about the 13 moon calendar which is the way the Mayan and other civilizations counted time and predicted shifts in consciousness. Once this calendar was replaced by the present Gregorian Calendar things like banks and stock market became the new way of life "time is money". and so on. Pretty interesting material.

  5. That is great I had a nice laugh although I must say that I was waiting for the part when the angles and David H rock it out in their Baywatch Speedos or maybe not it was disturbing enough. Disturbing and hilarious.

  6. Hey I'm back I didn't answer any inquiries I'll do my best. Palace Princess I do like ween I have seen them two times in Toronto and would gladly go again. Kaidy Mae yes that was me that you shared a cab with on NYE hopefully we will meet again I would love to see some of your photographs and to Paan one of my best friends name is Jen but I have a feeling that we are not the duo that you are referring to, but maybe there is room for a duo duo.

  7. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone, ya really know how to make a gal feel welcome. It will probably take me a little while to get everyone straight if at all possible. Thanks for the tip Calamity Jane I'm sure that the boogieknight will help me float my boat he is quite a charmer. Do you like the show Dead Wood by any chance something tells me yes. [color:blue]

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