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Everything posted by karatespacetiger

  1. If you're so inclined, check out Quirks and Quarks this weekend (Saturday, 12-1 p.m. on CBC Radio) for a discussion of synesthesia, which is the phenomenon whereby certain senses are triggered by alternate sensory cues. For instance, a particular musical note will evoke a colour, a word evokes a taste... so wild! Apparently one in 25 people has this, but you just have to know the right questions to ask... Here's what the Quirks and Quarks website says in its promo: This Week on Quirks & Quarks December 2, 2006: Eat Your Words. For most of us, sitting down with the newspaper and a cup of coffee involves two separate sensory experiences. One is the process of reading the paper. The other is tasting the coffee. But for a very small group of people, these two separate experiences become one. Reading a newspaper can evoke strong tastes. Even hearing certain words can cause these people to sense the taste of specific foods. The phenomenon is a form of synesthesia - a rare condition where a person's senses become crossed. Imagine hearing the word "castanets" and tasting tuna fish. Or tasting sausage when you hear the words "Roger", "Regina", "register", or "edge". It gives a whole new meaning to having a taste for words. Talk amongst yourselves
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