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Posts posted by NewRider

  1. At least the Opera House's neighbourhood has improved greatly over the past 5 years; if only that dump could do likewise.

    I don't know how a building inspector hasn't shut them down for that narrow stairwell going down to the washrooms. From what I hear the ladies room is a total fucking disaster. Water all over the floor, toilet seats missing. The mens room isn't bad but has that bathroom attendant at every show. I can wash my own hands and don't want to tip him.

  2. Personally, I think the Phoenix is one of the best venues Ive ever been to anywhere. I love it there! The Opera House though, well, it's charmingly run-down and awkward inside.

    The Phoenix isn't ALL bad. It's just difficult for me to view the show as opposed to a venue that is on a slant like Danforth or has a few different levels like The Operahouse. Everywhere I went last night I could see the band perfectly.

  3. Thank you for all your suggestions and help on this thread.

    Had an amazing time in that part of Toronto and at that venue. I hope more shows start going there rather than The Opera House or The Phoenix. First Aid Kit did a nice version of Simon and Garfunkle's "America" and I took a video of it. I'll post it here tomorrow.

    Thanks again folks.

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