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Low rain

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Posts posted by Low rain

  1. I use 02 Optics monthly contact lenses, made out of a more breathable material than before. I wear them for a month, taking them out every night for a month. I would not recommend yearlies,either monthlies or less. Lese likely to have eye irritations. I always give me eyes a rest form contacts every morning and night for about an hour or so. There is s contact solution that you are supposed to use with them to store and clean them called Opti-free express. I prefer contacts no fogged up glasses or rain drops on your glasses. They dont get in the way, you can't even tell you are wearing them.

  2. Jim Henson was a brillant man! every episode of fraggles had 2-3 new songs created by musicians of all different genres. I love the little dog from Labrynth (the one with the big mouth and small body) and Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem definately rock! Also, yep yep yep yep yep uh hu uh hu, those guys from Sesame street were fun too! I can't stop at one either!

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