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Posts posted by nibbler

  1. Think its nearing time to pull out the SAS survival guide eh nibbler.

    Tom Brown + SAS are usually close at hand. Better to go with The Lorax for the kids.

    The hitchiker's mantra DONT PANIC applies.

    When Einstein said his bit about the bees, he didn't know that bio-tech would use his words to plan future profit campaigns. A lot of his insightful ideas have been weaponized.

    Industry solutions:

    Trees and plants genetically modified to be self pollinators.

    How about bees genetically modified to navigate without UV polarization?

    The profit potentials are infinite in a post 9/11 corporate secrecy era.

    Whats happening to the bees?

    DONT PANIC still applies of course.

    Smart little guys are probably pollinating the Pleiades...

  2. I highly suggest everybody check out the movie/doc 'the great global warming swindle' - it discusses the other side of this argument presented in an inconvenient truth. It doesn't dispute the fact that global warming is happening, but that CO2 increases are not the cause, rather, the effect, of global warming. There is a lot of scientific evidence presented in it. You can watch it on youtube or download it.

    Quite controversial, but nice to hear the other side of the argument.

    The Swindle is controversial because it is not scientific. It is a cherry pick of people and data, spun to create an air of ambiguity around the real scientific study of the problem.

    I am not suggesting you don't watch it at all, just be prepared if you do. Know the tangled PR web of mid trickery you are about to expose yourself to...

    They really should have opened the film with a Troy McClure style announcer:

    [color:brown]~The Great Global Warming Swindle; brought to you by your friends in the oil patch ~ Teaching mother nature who her daddy is, one spill at a time~

    The names and faces of the PR men in the film are not new to climate or environmental scientists. Nor are they new to environmentalists who have been following the issue over the yeasrs. The majority of the cast have made their fortunes writing articles and delivering talks on behalf of the Fossil Fuel industry; consistently denying climate change science. Here is some background info on 11 of the 18 interviewed in the film.

    Roy Spencer Scientific advisor to the "Interfaith Stewardship Alliance"; "a coalition of religious leaders, clergy, theologians, scientists, academics, and other policy experts committed to bringing a proper and balanced Biblical view of stewardship to the critical issues of environment and development." <-- if that mission statement doesn't scare you then just follow the money. He is also a member of at least two think tanks who are or have been on the payroll of Exxon Mobil.


    Dr Tim Ball In the direct pay of the oil and gas industry for many years, he runs PR groups controlled (funded) by energy industry lobbyists. He authors many op-eds ads disguised as articles in newspapers and magazines around the world. His writings deny global warming, and support the film, never of course disclosing his intimate ties to the fossil fuel lobby.



    Ian Clark Sits on the scientific advisory board of a PR group directed by Tim Ball, controlled by the fossil lobby - see above


    Piers Corbyn Claims to have a secret technique for predicting the weather months in advance, but the catch is, you have to buy his forecasts to check their validity, and many who do seem to want their money back; apparently he isn't very good at it.


    Professor Richard Lindzen Has been paid at a rate of $2,500 per day by the oil and gas industry as a consultant. Had trip expenses to testify before a Senate comittee on climate science paid by Western Fuels. Has been paid by OPEC to write an essay entitled: 'Global Warming: the Origin and Nature of Alleged Scientific Consensus'


    Patrick Moore In the pay of the Forestry, Fossil fuel and Nuclear Industry. Here's a PR gem he came up with while representing the forestry industry in the past: On the disappearing Amazon rainforest in 2000, Moore said: "They are just about the healthiest forests in the world. This stuff about them vanishing at an alarming rate is a con based on bad science...anyone who has been in the jungle knows that if you want to live there, you'd better take a few machetes." Trust me, you don't want to know what his stance on Nuclear Power is. You really don't. (but if you do, its not hard- just google him)


    Professor Patrick Michaels Long time on the fossil fuel payroll, Critics of his work wonder why he consistently leaves out 1996-present data in his discussions, graphs etc, as those last ten or so years are the hottest on record.



    Paul K. Driessen Co-editor of Capital PR news, newsletter of the largest chapter of the Public Relations Society of America. His bio indicates working for an unspecified energy trade association


    Professor Emeritus Frederick Singer Made a name for himself fighting for the tobacco lobby, arguing that second hand smoke wasn't bad for human health, connected to at least 11 separate organizations on the payroll of Exxon Mobil. Has also authored many op-eds in newspapers around the world supporting the film, without mentioning his role in the film or his ties to the fossil fuel lobby


    Paul Reiter Paul sits comfortably on a board of scientific advisors for the 'Annapolis Center for Science-Based Public Policy'. This group was the recipient of $763,500 Exxon Mobil dollars, and used to be funded by the 'National Association of Manufacturers', one of America's largest industry groups


    Thats some background on 10 of the 18 interviewed in the film. More than half of the cast are PR men in the pay of the fossil fuel industry.

    [color:green]Professor Carl Wunsch was among the 18 people interviewed in the film. Turns out he claims he was swindled into believing the film was to be a balanced study of climate change science. Immediately after the program aired, Professor Wunsch saw it for the first time and immediately publicly denounced his participation in the film, saying that he wouldn't have made the appearance if he knew it was designed as a PR spin supporting the fossil fuel lobby. Read his entire letter to the Television Broadcaster who aired the program, as well as real climate scientists reactions to the Swindle here:

    republished letter by Wunsch to the broadcaster

    Enjoy getting swindled! ;)

  3. Understanding is not high on the list of Conservative Leader strengths.

    Cancelling the Kelowna accord has not gone over well amongst many First Nations.

    Ever since Caledonia erupted as an issue, the Tories have been doing their best to rub salt in the wound. Conservative politicians, and constituents alike.

    Likely has something to do with the upcoming election, as well as it has to do with avoiding facing the Ipperwash Inquiry results- which once released, will be a real thorn in the Tories' side for this election.

  4. That was a great update read, thanks for bringing it to the board. The section pertaining to organic hives was very interesting, I will be looking further into that.

    Nowhere in the long and seemingly thorough article were effects of lowered UV levels mentioned. I bring it up, well, because its pretty obvious, and pretty relevant.

    Suppressing the near ultraviolet (UV) spectrum is a horrifically misguided idea, because many insects including honey bees depend upon UV radiation to select flowers and other plants for feeding upon.[iv] If the flower is not illuminated by UV, they will reject it for feeding.[v] Given this reality, substantially decreasing ambient UV levels, as depicted in the summary above, could cause flowers to no be longer “illuminated†by UV; and could destroy the ability to feed of many insects, including honey bees and other pollinators upon which our agriculture depends. Further, honey bees[vi], numerous insects including monarch butterflies,[vii] and many other animals[viii] rely upon UV radiation for direction finding—everything from the dance of the honey bee to long distance bird migration.[ix]

    If there is any truth to the suppressed UV argument, we would also be seeing confused bird and butterfly migrations today.

    From the Convention on Migratory Species

    Changes in the length, timing and location of migration routes are being documented. In extreme cases, species have abandoned migration altogether. In other cases, species now migrate to areas where they have not been recorded other than as occasional vagrants.

    • Exotic southern fish species like the Red Mullet, Anchovy, Sardine and Poor Cod are now being found in the North Sea. Fish species are ectotherimic (unable to regulate their body temperature) and their distribution and abundance are temperature dependent.

    • European Bee-Eaters (Merops apiaster) once very rare in Germany are now breeding regularly across the country.

    • The Rosy-Breasted Trumpeter Finch (Rhodopechys githaginea) is one of many birds once normally confined to arid North Africa and the Middle East now found in increasingly large numbers in southern Spain.

    • The arrival of hundreds of Bewick Swans (Cygnus columbianus) flying in distinctive “V†formations used to herald the arrival of the British winter; ornithologists now report numbers down to double figures. Warmer weather on the continent and the absence of the NE winds which aid their migration are the likely reasons for the swans’ non-appearance in their traditional British wintering sites.

    • Changing wind patterns are making it more difficult for passerine birds to make their migration in the Caribbean where spring storms are becoming more numerous and of greater intensity.

    • This autumn several large Monarch Butterflies(Danaus plexippus), which migrate in millions every year from the USA and Canada to Mexico, have been blown across the Atlantic to England 5000 km away.

    I know how to get around in the forest or swamp using the sun or stars as a compass, but like the birds and the bees, I get confused when the sun don't shine for weeks at a time.

  5. Sounds like I missed a good show!

    Amy sat in singing sweet harmonies with Jen Whitley and other Crazy Strings as a special guest at The Silver Dollar, many many times over the years. Perhaps even as far back as the Heartbreak Hill Days.

    She's got the High Lonesome sound!

  6. antibalas.jpg

    Oh Canada!


    Antibalas will be driving across Canada in late June! Be sure to catch them!

    6/22 Sugar, Victoria, BC

    6/23 Commodore Ballroom, Vancouver, BC

    6/24 The Gateway Lounge, Calgary, AB

    6/26 Bessborough Gardens, Saskatoon, SK

    6/27 Pyramid Cabaret, Winnipeg, MB

    6/29 Phoenix Concert Theatre, Toronto, ON

  7. It's Tapas style these days, so the more people you go with, the better.

    Weekends you need a reservation for sure, otherwise be prepared to wait awhile.

    You will want to order everything on the menu, and be sure to save room for dessert.

    Its not cheap- but the food is triple A!

    The food is sexy! They serve dishes up that come to the table looking like master artworks- the ones you see in gourmet magazines- and they all taste even better than they look.

    Salivating just thinking about it.

    Any carnivore that can eat there and not even slightly entertain thoughts of becoming vegan has fried thier taste buds.

  8. I wish it didn't read like something straight out of "The Sheep Look Up"....

    When Mount Pinatubo erupted 16 years ago in the Philippines it cooled the Earth for about a year because the sulfate particles in the upper atmosphere reflected some sunlight.

    Several leading scientists, from Nobel Laureate Paul Crutzen to the late nuclear cold warrior Edward Teller, have proposed doing the same artificially to offset global warming:

    Using jet engines, cannons or balloons to get sulfates in the air, humans could reduce the solar heat, and only increase current sulfur pollution by a small percentage, said Tom Wigley of the National Center for Atmospheric Research.


    Suppressing the near ultraviolet (UV) spectrum is a horrifically misguided idea, because many insects including honey bees depend upon UV radiation to select flowers and other plants for feeding upon.[iv] If the flower is not illuminated by UV, they will reject it for feeding.[v] Given this reality, substantially decreasing ambient UV levels, as depicted in the summary above, could cause flowers to no be longer “illuminated†by UV; and could destroy the ability to feed of many insects, including honey bees and other pollinators upon which our agriculture depends. Further, honey bees[vi], numerous insects including monarch butterflies,[vii] and many other animals[viii] rely upon UV radiation for direction finding—everything from the dance of the honey bee to long distance bird migration.[ix] Quoting one source:

    For example, it is now known that while honey bees do not possess the fine-grained retinal mosaics of humans, they can navigate with precision by optically scanning the sky's polarization patterns through their ultraviolet receptors.[x]

    Above is an excerpt taken from here and is a read I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

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