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Posts posted by FOWL

  1. I didn't see any billboards or merchandise personally, and in fact only found out about Earth Hour a day or two before it happened. But what I did find ridiculous was that they were broadcasting a live concert in support of Earth Hour on Television. Now I don't know the specifics here, but doesn't a television use WAY more energy than a house full of lightbulbs??? So turn off your lights, BUT DEAR GOD PLEASE STAY PLUGGED INTO THE PROPAGANDA MACHINE!

  2. Ya, I read that BBC article too. I have to say it doesn't impress me much.

    I too am skeptical of the solar winds creating more clouds theory, not supporting or decrying it, but there are a huge amount of far more compelling issues than the solar wind theory. The fact of the matter is, regardless of the specific mechanations involved, that planetary bodies across our solar system have been heating up at a similar rate to Earth, not just Mars. I even saw a GW article showing evidence that ONE planet had been cooling while admitting that everything else was warming, and said that proved the Sun had nothing to do with it. Complete bunk!

    The article also lies about the fact that the Earth actually HAS been cooling in the last seven years, but I suppose they are still using temperature taken in major city centers which are always warmer than rural temperatures as the UOG prof found.

    And failing all that, it goes on at the end to say SO WE NEED TO REDUCE CARBON EMISSIONS. I don't know how people can't take the real science (not flawed climate models, that is not science, that is playing make believe) of the ice core data and admit that life on Earth has FLOURISHED at ten degrees warmer and 11 times more CO2 concentrations than we have now. And NEVER was an out of control feedback loop created. I'm sorry but anyone who thinks an extra 3% CO2 is going to spell doom is insane. It makes no sense.

  3. Well obviously there are a number of interlocking factors which determine debt, but it can't be denied having currency we have to pay back with interest is completely illogical and ultimately makes no sense.

    However, it is totally rational that Ireland has an exploding GDP considering they have one of the lowest income tax rates in the world! Try to get your mind around that, less taxes, less debt, WILD!!!

  4. Anyone here use this site? It's an awesome way to find new music. Type in a band and listen to music that is similar to it. I find it pretty engrossing!!! If anyone finds an awesome unknown band there post it here.


  5. I'm not here to "win" just get people to assess things logically and open their minds.

    And Matt I agree with you fully (aside from pollution causing global warming of course) but many of my goals coincide with that of global warming people, but so long as the focus is on carbon dioxide and not smog, I just can't go along with it. (things like demonising meat eating due to methane is insane in my opinion. Talking about clearcutting the Amazon for Mcdonalds beef is relevant though.)

  6. Nice. I hope people in the Ottawa region get involved in this. What a farce. The Toronto terror team was especially ridiculous. A group of teenagers, lead by a CSIS agent gets a truckload of fertiliser shipped to their door by the RCMP (whether they actually ordered it or not is unknown, and if it comes out it was the CSIS leader then it is all the more absurd,) and we are supposed to believe in the sham of Islamo-terrorism. Disgusting.

  7. Well the Liberals do support increased Liberal spending. Their voting record makes this abundantly clear. They just occasionally like to pretend to the media they don't. Just like we didn't get involved in Iraq which was a complete lie.

    And the Conservatives do have women and minority candidates. I haven't looked at the exact numbers, they may be lower, but it is false to say they have none. But the child care system, (and to a minor extent the environment) are differences for sure. It just seems that in issues that are important to me, such as keeping Canada out of the SPP and further trade agreements that erode national sovereignty, immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan, the return of currency creation to the Bank of Canada, the end of the income tax, and many other issues, they are exactly the same.

  8. I also love how simultaneously we are told that A. Global warming will lead to droughts worldwide, all the water will evaporate, and the crops will dry up while

    B. Global warming will lead to massively increased precipitation leading to flooded droughts.

    It's like everything is being predicted at once, so that no matter what happens it was global warming. I've even read explanations for the cold winte as "global warming is causing the earth to cool!" hahahhaha

  9. I don't get it. I posted information linking to scietific articles. Articles detailing how scietists with findings contradictory to the man made global warming myth are supressed. How the IPCC misrepresented many of the scientists who contributed to it, and slapped their signatures on to great protest. I linked to facts. I posted a movie because it details a great many of these issues, and as most people are too lazy to read anymore, and the television ONLY covers one side of the debate, that it is a good way for people to assess some of the other information. The movie is full of scientists discussing their findings (unlike An Inconvenient Truth) which should act as a springboard for further in depth research. I even posted a pro man made global warming link where you can see CLEARLY on the graph that CO2 levels lag behind temperatures. Did you even read what I wrote? Did you read the links? Did you watch the movie? Just because tv tells you it is a scientific consensus doesn't make it so. In fact it is a blatant lie. If they are lieing to you about a false consensus, how can you trust the rest of their message?

    This isn't an ego thing, this is a danger, tyranny ahead signal. Making you put lights filled with mercury in your home is only the beginning.

  10. It's just a big staged dog and pony show. The Liberals and Conservatives are identical. The opposing party doesn't show up to vote so that their voting record doesn't look absolutely identical to the party in power. An abstentia on the part of the opposing party is equal to a vote in favour. Period. They are the same party.

  11. But there is no need for the government to have to pay back interest on money used for infrastructure. That is ludicrous! That should have come directly from our taxes, not borrowed from private interests! Now we pay back annually the amount initially received over a century of borrowing on compound interest! Seems like a pretty rotten deal to me!

  12. What other errors were in the book? I totally missed that one! haha. It was a great read though, so interesting to take all those tangents, going from simple story of travel, to political and cultural snapshots of the regions, to a peak into indie bands around the world, and back to the most important thing, snippets of Rheohistory! Pretty neat book I think.

  13. Except that the CO2 levels ALWAYS lag behind temperature. That graph shows it, but if you can find the actual numbers it becomes abundantly clear. To me the fact that the increased temperature causing increased decay of biomatter releasing CO2 has never caused an out of control feedback cycle in the past is evidence enough that our climate is controlled by the sun's cycles, and the three percent of CO2 released by humans will do no harm.

    However I am passionate about it because a non-problem is distracting people from the disapearing bees and their possible link to GMO corn with pesticides growing in the pollen. With pesticides in general and their links to cancer. With all this garbage chemical product we pour down the sinks every day that wind up in our drinking water. There are MAJOR environmental issues we need to address, but I feel like the whole movement has been hijacked by a non issue. Furthermore, for people who continue to believe in anthroprogenic global warming, I would ask that you carefully consider the solutions presented. For one carbon taxes which get funnelled back to the oil companies (6 billion a year now!!!) is a pretty sick joke don't you think??? And some of the suggestions that have been made are even more disturbing. Let's hope they are never implemented.

  14. Ya, the laryngitis was a brutal blow. It was almost like the universes big joke. The Rheos farewell show selling out massey hall, greatest concert in the history of mankind??? No, let's take out one of the greatest voices in the history of rock music for that night!!!! Sooooo painful, yet the show was still incredible. I guess it would have just been too good for this planet!

  15. Okay, thanks for replying and bringing up some attempts at facts instead of just attacking the fact he used the word man in the doc (WHAT A DEMON! hahha)

    1. First off, there have been countless scientists who contributed signatures to the IPCC who's data and comments were completely ignored due to them not supporting the predetermined goal of the report (which is inherently anti-scientific) yet their signatures were included in a report that was the exact opposite of their finding. A consensus indeed. Then that Sierra club page you posted goes on to say an opposing petition with 19000 signatures is a "hoax" because they feel it was sold to scientists as being involved with an institution it wasn't. Well that doesn't change the actual statements those scientists signed off on, and I can't find anyone claiming that petition had essentially stolen their signature like the IPCC.

    Here's an article talking a bit about this. http://www.financialpost.com/story.html?id=c47c1209-233b-412c-b6d1-5c755457a8af

    3. There have been some interesting scietific reports (published by the University of Guelph, and detailed in that film) showing how thermometer readings are taken in major city centres globally, which have micro climates often ten degrees warmer than rural readings. Note the ice and tree ring samples show a completely reasonable temperature, while the red thermometer line rises out of control. The fact is in the past century we have only gained one degree of average temperature, and in the past year we dropped .7 a degree, (yes that's right, the globe had an excessively cold winter, in keeping with the sun's recent drop in activity.) Besides all that, that graph doesn't go back far enough to show some of the hotter periods of Earth's history. Only a thousand years old? Anyone who knows ANYTHING about Earth's climate knows there are minor cycles and major cycles, and the major cycles play out over hundreds of thousands of years.

    5. Okay, this is a big load of conjecture. Much of this is based on climate models, which are flawed entirely as there are always factors unknown to us that affect how a system works. We don't fully understand the Earth's climate yet, that is a fact. So how could we trust anyone's climate model? We can't predict the weather more than a week in advance, but we can predict what will happen in the coming decades? this is absurd, especially when taking into account that when the temperature and CO2 levels of Earth were drastically higher, fossil records show life on Earth was much bigger and more plentiful. Remember dragonflies with 7 foot wing spans? Dinosaurs??? To me that is EVIDENCE that higher Co2 and temperatures lead to more life on earth, regardless of what a computer model says.

    7. Now this is the kicker. Look at those graphs. Why do they have them on top of each other, and not seperate cloloured lines on the same graph?? look closely. look really closely. Actually, what you need to do is find the actual numbers, and you will see, that temperature peaks BEFORE CO2 peaks. The relationship is actually the OPPOSITE of what they want you to believe. The hotter it gets, the more organic matter decays, releasing more co2. If all the climate models of feedback cycles of endless warming are true, why is it the peaks fall so quickly?

    That graph is purposely misleading, as the lag between CO2 and temperature tends to be a few centuries, which is too short a time span for this graph to show. Look at the actual numbers though. I quickly did a search on ice core data, and this was the first link that came up. Note that same graph is put together, now how does it look? http://www.daviesand.com/Choices/Precautionary_Planning/New_Data/

    10. Once again, they are misleading. I don't know the history of the IPCC chairman losing his position, but it is a fact that if you are a scientist, the journals will publish your report if you support the global warming myth. Here is a quick article written by a scientist admitting such. http://www.mises.org/story/2571

    I have read what the environmental think tanks suggest, and yes, serfdom is exactly where we are headed. A return to the dark ages if they had their way. No more land rights, one child policies, no more meat, no more travelling. I'm not saying humanity will accept this, but these are sincere suggestions, and when worded as "it's either this or the death of all life on Earth" it seems like a clear cut choice, right?

    I'm all for many environmental changes, but Global Warming is a hoax. I'm sorry, I know it's hard to accept, I was once a believer. I know it is hard to accept that you have been conned. It was hard for me to realise what a fool I was, but when the Earth didn't scorch, and the coasts didn't flood (which back in the the early nineties, all predictions pointed to chaos by the mid 2000's, think back, I'm sure you'll remember) I started to get doubtful, then when politicians around the world suddenly jumped on board all at once a few years back, I had to search deeper and really vet this information. You owe it to yourselves to approach this issue in scientific manner weighing all evidence. The film I posted is thoroughly scientific and is a great place to start. If you don't take the time to assess that information, you are simply running off faith. Not science, religion.

  16. How long did you watch? 1 minute??? Noone is saying global warming doesn't exist. It just isn't caused by human emissions, period. Sure Harper could care less about emissions, he knows it's a fraud, but that doesn't mean he isn't handing out billions of tax dollars in Global Warming initiatives. And guess where those go???? THE OIL COMPANIES! hahahah it's a complete sham. Remember Al Gore's movie, how he shows the graphs for carbon dioxide concentrations on top of (not together so as to obscure the relationship) global temperature and says "there is a complicated relationship..." The relationship is that carbon levels lag behind temperature shifts by hundreds of years!!! Don't believe me, go find the ice core records and look at the data. Noone is saying pollution isn't bad. We know smog kills, it just doesn't affect global climate. Even if the less than 3% of carbon dioxide humans are responsible for (compared to all the decaying plankton in the ocean, decaying vegetative matter) the Earth has had 11 times more CO2 concentration in our atmosphere in the past AND LIFE FLOURISHED. The fossil records show it drives plant life, which then supports more animal life. We have also lived through temperatures ten degrees warmer on average than what we see now, and guess what, humanity prospered. I suggest you actually watch that movie, and actually check up on it's sources. You've been conned. Let's talk about pesticides, let's talk about GMO food. Let's talk about pollution, but global warming is a farce being used to push more taxes and further globalisation. And if you listen to what the environmental think tanks suggest, we are talking about a complete return to serfdom, with all the little people taken from the land and moved to compact cities, or the Earth will die. There many people who actually think like this, and some of these groups actually get massive funding from oil tycoons. Watch the acadamy award winning "film" An Inconvenient Truth, full of emotional pandering and severe ego tripping, then watch Global Warming or Global Governance, full of SCIENCE. Cheap production values, high on information. Which one do you think had support from major corporations?

  17. Ditto on Camerons. I used to be all about the Creemore, but now I've found one better. Brewed in Barrie. Robert Simpson Confederation Ale

    If you haven't tried it yet, DEMAND it, it will blow you away. I must say the perfect beer.

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