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Posts posted by piranha132

  1. It's too bad that the newest war in America, no, not the War on Drugs, nor the War on Illiteracy, nor the War on Poverty, nor the War on Hunger, but the War on Terrorism has vaulted a very serious dude and his henchmen to caricature status, to the point that we no longer care, nor even consider him to be real. Can't wait for the next round of carnage (not!).

    And why do they keep declaring war on things they can't control. Silly fuckers are ruining the whole party for everyone. They're like those guys in highschool from some of the sporting teams who just showed up at people's houses on Friday nights, pushed the freshmen out of the kitchen, trashed the decor and left their puke everywhere. I wish globally, we were all a little more concerned. I certainly don't want to clean up anyone's mess on such a huge scale.

    p. [Confused]

  2. One question...

    If the meds have "NO effect" why mention them?

    Okay, two questions... what support are you lending the community by dozing off? You can neither purchase drinks nor shake your booty will unconscious, both of which lend credence to bands who want only to become repeat perfomers.


    Also, your over use of punctuation leads me to believe you might sense the limitations of your own argument. Words, rather than excessive punctuation can do more for your cause than any exclamation point ever will.

  3. Ms Huxtable,

    Try mixing one jar of FLUFF, with one brick of light cream cheese (softened), add a small dose of red food colouring, and VOILA.... instant fruit dip, ie/fruit tray and dip for a party, or just plain ol' gorging at home. delish.


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