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Steve from Cleveland

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Posts posted by Steve from Cleveland

  1. The Heinlein quote is not about making your wellbeing and happiness (directly) dependent on another's, it's stating that if they are, then that's love.



    Ummm... That's still codependency as far as I'm concerned...

    From www.coda.org

    [signs of Co-dependency]:

    I perceive myself as completely unselfish and dedicated to the well being of others.

    I value others' approval of my thinking, feelings and behavior over my own.

    I have to be "needed" in order to have a relationship with others.

    [among others]

    If you're happiness is contingent on the happiness of another, then by their (CODA) definition, you're co-dependent. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't want others to be happy, only that our happiness shouldn't be dependent on whether or not someone else is... This is why MOST co-dependent people claim that they are in "LOVE" with someone, when actually they aren't, they just have love confused with dependency. I think there's a million healthy ways to define love, but having one's happiness be dependant on that of another, certainly is not one of them.

    And, I do have some experience with this subject, too, I'm not just talking out my ass...

    Just my $.02...


  2. [raising&waving hand]oooh, oooh, pick me, pick me[/raising/waving hand]


    Sub=Underwater vessel

    Mission=A special assignment given to a person or group

    Therefore, Submission = A special assignment given to a person or group who temporarily reside in a sub...


    Tant=A small scarlet arachnid

    Mount=To climb onto (a female) for copulation. Used of male animals

    Therefore, Tantamount = Some sort of arachnid mating ritual?

    You're right, they really DO have a deeper meaning

    :P :crazy: :P

  3. [rant]I don't blog, personally... Nor do I read blogs... I think it has to do with the fact that I loathe the word 'blog.' What the fuck is 'blog?' It just sounds stupid...

    I know it's short for 'Web Log' which, honestly, doesn't really even need to be shortened. It's just one extra syllable... Truthfully, would it really be that much harder to just put the fuckin' 'we' in front of it? Fuck you could even say it really fast if you're trying to save time or something... weblog... That's not as offensive...

    Anyhow, I guess I'll just stop talking about it now... Or I could set up a weblog myself to talk about, among other things, how much I hate the word 'blog.' Or, I could just go to bed.


    Sorry if I offended any 'bloggers'


  4. I'm pretty sure that the pengin did actually fall through the ice, and the other penguin was added... It appears to be a different color... And I've been thinking about changing it, as I have become deeply disheartened by the occurrence of penguin on penguin violence...


  5. Ummm... I'm probably just exhibiting my 'American Ignorance' by asking this, but I thought Canada's Thanksgiving was the 2nd Monday of October? Do you guys just get together for the feast the weekend before, being that it's probably more convenient? Just wondering...


  6. well she probably deserved it, uppity bitch. :)

    as far as i am concerned (and i speak from experience) you are a GREAT assistant!

    Awwwwwww... That totally made my day, PP! Not that I had forgotten about being you guys' assistant, but I had forgotten what a great assistant I was (after her telling me what a LOUSY assistant I am). I feel 1000% better now! Thanks! (but I'm still not gonna ask her)...


  7. steveland, how could anyone possibly hate you????

    Well, I was supposed to be her research assistant... Which I was, and got paid and free tuition. However, she always seemed to disapprove of what I was doing, though she never gave me any real direction. And then I started having other problems (of which I think you're aware) and I kind of stopped going altogether for a while... Anyway, then she called and asked me to return my key to the office, and it still hangs on my keyring. Among other things... I don't know if she actually 'hates' me, but it's certainly clear that she doesn't like me AT ALL!


  8. I agree with you... And I am also against censorship... But, as the post suggests, this person is trying to get the records pulled due to some sort of Human Rights concern. I read the article, and didn't see what any of it has to do with human rights, other than she apparently filed the claim through some human Rights organization, which still puzzles me...


  9. Wierd... I just saw 'At First Sight' that [color:purple]sweet movie with Val Kilmer... That brought up a bunch of interesting points, like, in 15 minutes, will he even be able to 'see' like we do, will he even be able to understand what it is that he is seeing? I don't think 15 minutes would be long enough for him to do what he wants to. That said, more power to ya Stevie...


  10. I'm kindof hoping for the same thing... She sucks... And I like me a good train-wreck (Spoken figuratively. I really don't enjoy seeing/hearing people get hurt, via train crashes, or really by any means) But you know what I mean, I'm sure... And it DOES have a lot of promise! And I'll give Ashlee (I even dislike teh way she spells her name) credit. It does take some guts to go back on there...


  11. I think public service and education can go a long way in helping to educate those who won't necessarily get it in the home.

    I think, and maybe I'm being overly cynical, that no matter what kids are taught in school/public service/etc, kids replicate the behaviour learned inside the home. So, I guess I'm saying that it really IS the parents' responsibility. That said, many parents are unfit to be parents, and unfortunately for the kids, there's no test one has to pass (unless you're adopting, which in itself seems strange) to qualify for the job of parenting.

    It's unfortunate, but I think a sociological norm that kids grow up to be who they see (their parents) MOST of the time. Obviously there ARE some exceptions to this, but it happens enough to say that it's the norm.

    It's really hard to break that cycle...


  12. A professor at my school's name is Robichaud... She's Canadian. Does that make her famous?


    if she was related to premier louis j robichaud she is very important

    ask her ? then post it but no bullshit eh

    As I said before, if she didn't hate me, I'd be more inclined to. I don't think it'd go over well if I just popped in to ask her that, of all things... :crazy:

  13. RIGHT! I remember now... Funny how that little bit of info triggers all these memories... I think what happened is that we decided we were going a-walkin' in the field. Except the field was, essentially, a slushy pond. He was gonna turn back, and I was like, don't be a sissy, hop on... Anyhow, I struggle to remember if I myself was wearing shoes, or trapsing around in slush bare-footed. I think I had shoes on, not that it'd have mattered much. I also do remember that Julia was/still is mad at me for walking around barefoot in the cold. Good times, Good times... And magic slippers...

    Anyhow, also he wasn't there the whole time, was he? Wasn't he one of the latecommers/last day arrivals?


  14. I've been told numerous times that I look like:

    1. John Lennon

    2. Robert Englund

    3. Bono

    4. Some Canadian dude named Marshan (sp?)

    The last one' date=' only in Canada. And people CONSTANTLY say "You look like this dude I know..."



    I agree with all of those. ANd to have you adn Marhand partying together last nye was uncanny! Well, you look more alike when you are not together, that's for sure. I'll dig up a pic of the two of you together.

    Is it really bad that I don't really rememebr him being there? I am absolutely trying my hardest, and I just can't. Post or email that pic maybe it'll spark a long-lost memory...


  15. I've been told numerous times that I look like:

    1. John Lennon

    2. Robert Englund

    3. Bono

    4. Some Canadian dude named Marshan (sp?)

    The last one, only in Canada. And people CONSTANTLY say "You look like this dude I know..."


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