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Posts posted by zephyr

  1. oh meg, you will be missed next weekend - who will replace the enthusiasm and game face you bring to bocce?

    heading out to a evolve preparty downtown halifax now - wild band lineup!!

    have a great weekend/week.


  2. don't mean to crash this K-W-Chatham-London thread but... oh wait, yes i do. thought i could catch you all together to give you this heads-up. this is serious @#$* so pay attention. 2 sets of bocce balls this CTMF - play time's over, we're playin for keeps now so ice up those elbows and get ready to throw down. ;)

    have fun guys, see you next weekend.

  3. pre-evolve party @ the Attic 2nite in Halifax. Line is:

    New Shady Groove

    Blue Quarter

    Threat from Outer Space

    Steve Franke - Noises from the Tool Shed

    How stoked am I!! What a great kick off - see you there.

  4. my biggest desire for all of humanity is for people to feel free to live the lives they have in any manner they like as long as they are not hurting anyone else and not imposing their values on anyone unless said imposition is solicited.

    basically, i wish that everyone lived by the credo from some annoying song i remember from childhood that goes

    "you run your body so let me run mine"

    except i would have another verse where the word "body" is changed to the word "mind". zero, when i read this thread it makes me think of jehovah's witnesses trying to tell me to come in to "the truth" and "the way". maybe that is your truth and your way and your definition of how to live a righteous life but i see it differently for myself. i fully support you in your choices as they are not hurting me or anyone else, but please try to stop preaching at me and everyone else. we might be wasting our potential in your eyes but it is ours to waste as we please. personally i am out to have the most fun possible in one lifetime. i would rather be broke and happy than rich and miserable.

    you go girl. is mom coming this time?

  5. what about that dude looking for a ride from ottawa? let me know what your plan is tomorrow - i'm heading out mid-morning-ish on wednesday. be good to hook up with some people to camp together on the weekend. do vans camp in a different area than tents?

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