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scottieking and all londoners


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What's goin on tomorrow night? i'm getting back into town from a joyous yule and thought i'd like to par-tay.

Hope you get this and drop me a line. Should be there by mid afternoon...


I hope the gruvasylum show was killer last week and that something's going on this weekend...

you know how to reach me - don't be a stranger.

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Honestly, I think we may be the only two londoners on the board (which is surprising to say the least) Anyway, you're not home and Paul Atkin Quartet at the Bacchus tonight. Do not miss, they just keep getting better (or perhaps I keep getting drunker) IT doesn't matter.

Are there any other Londoners on the board (ex-Londoners don't count, sorry Northern Wish)

PS Beats, what's the deal on The New Deal? Can you get me in?

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