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I must admit I was a HUGE dr. snuggles fan!!! (good to know there are others out there). Another crazy one was Jamie and the magic torch. Anyone remember this one? Jamie and his big fluffy dog would shine the flashlight and escape into this surreal world with swirling backdrops by going down this spiral slide under his bed. Incredible show!

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Originally posted by Tonberry:

Now, Now, Arcane. That's hardly children's anime. If we're gonna span the Archives, I'm gonna throw my hat in for Ranma 1/2.

But aren't all cartoons for kids? (g,d,r) (Says the fan of Golgo 13 ...)


Crazy Bisexual adventures, hoorah!
grin.gif" border="0

Oh, *so* much more appropriate for the wee bairns. :> I've watched more Ranma 1/2 than I care to admit.


(You know, there's a rating system in effect to keep freaks like me in their place...)
frown.gif" border="0

Aww, too bad.

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