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Need help again - mkw question


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So I downloaded disc one of Phil & Friends 02/18/01 in SHN.. It has 6 tracks. Ran the MD5 and all 6 files were "OK". Then when I dragged all the SHNs into the box to turn them into WAV's, it did the transfer, but it also gave me something along the lines of:

paf01-02-18d1.md5 contains checksums for 6 files which are missing or could not be opened...

What does this mean? Am I screwed? Thanks!


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OK, so forgive if i don't understand your dilema...but here goes:

so you run the checksum on the shn files and they check out fine. Then you converted them to wav format. Are you running the checksum on the wav files that you just converted to?? if you are, then of course the checksum would fail because the shn files no longer exist. Im assuming that under "file options" you have selected "delete input files after lossless processing", in which case, when you convert the shns to wav, you are left only with wav files. This would render the md5 totally useless as it only checks the integrity of the original shn files. if the shns checked out ok against the md5 then you should be fine.

am I way off base??? i had a lot to drink amidst the marathon hockey game and the taped tyson/lewis debacle.

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oh yeah, my guess would be that when you dragged and dropped all of the files you probably dragged the md5 as well. so after you converted all of the shns to wav the md5 ran again and gave you errors b/c there were no shn to check anymore.

try highlighting the shorten files, right clicking, and choosing "decode to wav".

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