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MS pledge benefit concert in Kitchener ...

mark tonin

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Below is an email I received about a benefit concert in Kitchener. Please support this worthy cause if you can.



I'm contacting you to convince you of the importance of covering the

upcoming MS Pledge benefit concert:


We have three bands, one of the ONLY local pubs that support local entertainment, the MS Society and various other media outlets supporting us on this event.

Last year 30,000 Ontarians WALKed and raised over $4.83 million, funds which helped those in your community who are living with MS, as well as providing the resources to find a cure.

People with MS count on us. We're Glad We Can Count On You!

The event will be filmed and photographed. Bands, contacts, patrons, staff and MS rep contacts will be made available at the reporters convenience.


The unpredictable effects of MS last for life.

* MS can cause: loss of balance, impaired speech, extreme fatigue, double vision and paralysis.

* MS is more common in women, in fact they are affected twice as often as men.

* Canada has a high incidence of MS, which occurs more often in countries which are further away from the equator.

* There are some children who have MS; however, this is very unusual.

* The average age of diagnosis is 30 and most people are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 40.

* Every day, three more people in Canada are diagnosed with MS.

* MS affects one in every 75 Canadians.

* There is no known cause or cure for MS.

Thank you for your consideration.

Mike Radatus

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