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Hey everybody!

i'm looking to start making music with some musicians relaly soon and thought i'd turn to a bunch of music lovers, listeners, and makers for some help.

i'm looking for players to collaborate on a project - a different one.

next semestr i have a term project due(at the end) that needs to be big(i'm in MIA at fanshawe...music is my homework) and i'm looking to put together a group for a downtempo/chillout/deep drum n bass/dub sort of group. live players create quality relaxation and this is one way to get it out there. if things work out i may look to work with this seriously and since nobody's doing this sort of thing in the jamband/neo-fun music scene and i think we really need it. everyone's really funky and upbeat all the time - or dark and dramatic.

if you want and idea of what i have in mind here it is...

portishead meets bill laswell, meets early new deal, meets greyboy...and so on...trippy, smooth, mellow, dynamic, dramatic, emotional, pallatable.

some rock elements, but even though i love the dead and phish and rockier jams i dont' really want this project to have that flavour too heavy through the sauce. i don't like tasting the same thing all the time but i'd love to be able to savour some subtlety and feel-good sounds. it'll take a lot of communication and planning.

i'm in london and will be until at least may. if you're close and willing to work with this i'll be looking to start seriously focusing on this after christmas...school's hectic and it's too easy to go full tilt into things i love without looking at it all objectively.

i know i can find the people and minds to make this work - it's just organization and genuine desire to make this work.

please contact me if you're interested...i'm still up for jamming with people but this project is not going to be just for fun. it's initially worth marks for me, but considering i'm ultimately very picky, when school's done i dont' care about marks i care about the experience and potential we'd have. it can be done and done well. don't be scared.



apartment 310, 107 grand ave

london ontario

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