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NERO, The Jimmy Swift Band and The Fat Cat's

Jimi Didg

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NERO, The Jimmy Swift Band and The Fat Cat's all hit Brantford in the New Year

03' brings in some hot acts to "SOMEPLACE ELSE"

Tuesday January 21st

The Jimmy Swift Band


The Jimi Didg Solo

Saturday January 25th

The Fat Cat's


The Guest House

Friday January 31st



The Jimi Didg Project

I hope to see you all out in the New Year!

For more information about "SOMEPLACE ELSE" or any of the events in the New Year...

Please feel free to email Jamz Maher at moohonk@rogers.com

PEACE and Happy Holidays from (N.N.E.) Productions

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I figured this would happen!

Just to clerify for future referance, I do a solo act that I call The Jimi Didg Solo and most of my half hour act is with the aid of... you guessed it, a Didgeridoo!

You see, I love the didgeridoo, so I took it upon myself to try and book some shows for the band Dr. Didg in Southern Ontario so they could come spread the word up North. However, I am still waiting to hear back from their management in regards to the NERO/Dr.Didg show you speak of which is tentitively scheduled for March.

But come out to the other shows just the same! We could use all of your support!

So to answer your question... no relation!


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