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Grand times...


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Spent yesturdays beautiful sunny morning fishing along the muddy banks of the gracious grand river... Didnt catch much but caught my first carp ever. It was only 2 pounds but being my first one and all, it kinda was a big deal.

Later on met a kind intresting fella out there who caught eh gorgeous 3lbs walleye from shore... Danm she was a beauty.

I guess im 4/12 at the grand... or something like that. ::


The Piege

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Awesome, Piege!

that's cool. i remember when i used to fish a lot. it was cool. had a huge rod. made me feel like a real man. but then i started panfishing. y'know...for crappie and bluegill. i got a small rod and reel and when i'd go fishing i'd usualyl just use that. the smaller fish were so much fun and when i'd hit a big one well...holy sh*t.

it was awesome.

also, if you eat your fish i'd say go panfishing. way less toxins and the meat's way sweeter.

i guess there's something to be said about vegetarianism (or closer to being a veggie) when it comes to flesh too huh ;)

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I never have taken fish from a lake unless it was going to be my dinner and at that, I only take the one pounders 'Cause like u said, to many toxins in those who have been around much longer(the bigger ones).

Im just satisfied with another day alive to fish again... even if that means cast after cast with out catchin a thing... Its more of just getting outdoors and enjoying the day god(or beeshanu) has given us.

Fishing = REALaxation

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