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Hamilton peeps help

Im going home Donny

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Hey I have a pain your ass favour to ask....so I'm all geared up to go and...oof...silly rabbit....no ticket! So I'm super hoping someone in Hamilton could pretty please with a beer on top....pick me up a ticket?

I know this is a bit much but I haven't any plastic and am worried about this selling out.

I am completely good for it. If this could happen The Sloth and Velvet will be there before me since they're coming from TO. So the ticket could be handed to either of them untill I arrive(around 10) I could send one of my peeps in to find them and once I get in I could go directly to ticket buyer and give them the cash and a beer.

I'll check here later(on dial up so I can't just leave 'er on)

Also I can be reached at 613-839-0055.....feel free to call collect....just say 'for Julia' when that recordy message says to leave a name.


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