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MMW: 10.16.04- London, England- REVIEW....


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It's not going to be a long one, because I'm tired and still buzzing from the prescription the chemist brought me here...

It seems MMW have done away with all the electronic garbage that has been weighing down their sound the past few albums and have finally gone back to their roots. This show was PHENOMENAL. It was one of jazziest, funkiest, grooviest nights I have had in a long time, and MMW was just ON throughout their 75 minute set. I don't know track names, but they played 'LCTDT', 'Queen Bee' and a few others from the new record. The funk was so heavy, I was drowning in it. Please, go see them in Toronto. I was blessed to see them here and boy, was it one hell of a treat.


(it's great to be 5 hours ahead. ya'll are still getting ready to go out and I'm here writing a review)

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