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BBC's Timeline of the Middle East Conflict


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In the last few months, or even years, I've been coming across a considerable amount of misinformation circulating about the Middle East Conflict. I found something on BBC's website and after reading it entirely I'm happy to find a balanced explanation of the history of the Israel/Palestinian conflict. I would beg those interested to at least have a quick look at this and familiarize yourself with the sequence of events that led to the current situation there, before making bold accusations that are considerably harmful.

You know the saying about history being doomed to repeat itself...

A History of Conflict

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I recently (as in the past couple of days) did a google search on "Palestine History" then "Israel History" and was not at all surprised at the propaganda, misleading, and misconstrued information I found. I'm excited to check out what the BBC says. THanks Ahess.

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