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Tony Soprano, armed with a 2x4 (not pictured) Vs. Robocop

The likeable mob man from America's most popular non-reality show goes up against a mishmash of 80s future-tech. But - uh oh - Tony's got only a 2x4 and his natural resourcefulness. Perhaps Robocop can take Tony down, but will it stick? Only your votes can decide for sure. DO IT NOW!

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Alex Trebeck (Jeopardy) Vs. Donald Sutherland (The M*A*S*H Movie, Invasion of the Body Snatchers)

Finally! A fight in which there's no craziness to be had. Simply two gruffians (Gruff + Ruffian = Gruffian) in a straight up bloodfest. VOTE NOW to see which Canadian has more Panache.

(Sorry to keep reviving this, fellas, but my regulars have been restless... also, it's fun)

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Just a quick message from the moderator.

It's been mentioned previously that once the initial 64 battles are concluded, there will be four brackets developed in order to continue the contest. These brackets will consist of only the winners. The losers have been eliminated.

The brackets are organized into four Genres. Each contestent has been secretly designated a corresponding genre, which will not be revealed until all of the matches have been decided (just to be on the safe side -- if you know the genres, you can likely guess who will be where).

The total amount of votes that bring the contestant to victory are counted beside that winner (for example, Sutherland won by 7 votes yesterday, so, he has an index of seven points). These totals will determine the 'seed number' of the contestants in the bracket. If you're not familiar with this concept, it means that the person with the highest amount of votes will be designated Seed 1, the next highest Seed 2, and all the way down to Seed 16. The fights are then matched up with whatever fight makes their seed total 17. So, for example, Seed 1 will take on Seed 16, Seed 2 will take on seed 15, etc.

In the event that a bracket is filled up and another contestent is supposed to join that bracket, the moderator will decide to either remove someone from the full bracket and put them into the next appropriate one, or simply put the newly voted contestent into a different bracket.

So, just to let you know, the four brackets are --

Current Events / Cultural Icons --

Hollywood --

Science Fiction and Fantasy --

Random --

And, to round out the understanding, here are a few examples (from losing contestents) of where each would have gone, had they succeeded.

Current Events / Cultural Icons --

Tony Soprano

Tiger Woods

Hollywood --

Jack White

Adam West

John Goodman

Science Fiction / Fantasy --

The Blue Meanies

The Penguin

Doctor Evil

Random --

Macho Man Randy Savage


This is mostly for point of interest. You can probably guess where the current winners are put. No answers will be given if asked about the brackets. That knowledge is for later.

Thanks for participating, and keep it up, folks!

Tonberry's Side project

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