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New Ottawa Radio Show


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So, after two years of doing the horrid 2am to 7am overnighter, I've FINALLY been given a new show timeslot. This is good timing, as I'm now able to slip off of the terrible, school-wrecking sleep schedule I've maintained for the past three semesters.

So, if you've ever listened to/been on/wanted to listen to/no longer have a good reason not to listen to my show, you can now get your fill of Ed and his zany adventures/musical taste at the following time...

EVERY WEDNESDAY (starting Feb. 2nd) at 11am to Noon, EST. Joy!

How: In ottawa, a simple tuning of 93.1 FM on your FM dial will do the heady trick.

Out of Ottawa? Log on to ckcufm.com , and listen live. You can do it! Honest! (This requires realaudio, but, don't worry -- it's free.)

Sooooo.... here's some more details...

Show name: Unknown... at this point I'm stuck between 'Jammy Dodgers' and 'Muslix'. So vote. Tell me which you like better. Or suggest your own. It worked before.

Show theme: Jam music! Why not? A good theme, and a fun listen. There'll be other stuff -- Jazz, Electronic, Funk... anything groovy, really...

Can I ever co-host? Sure! It's a lot less of an experience, though, as it's only one hour. Still... it's fun to be on the radio every once in a while. Lemme know if you're interested, and it can be arranged...

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congrats Tonberry..

my buddy is one of the DJs on the Monday Night Metal Show.. always good fun.

Another friend of mine used to have one of the Wednesday night Jazz shows (all the jazz shows used to be on Wednesday night) and he got me in once to do a whole show on the history of funk.

If you want to talk about setting something like that up or I can even give my you notes and playlist let me know eh.

and as for a show title.. I liked "Where's My Heady Jams?" or maybe even just "Where's My Heady Jam?"

maybe someone with more monday morning brain prowess can come up with something simpsons related.. I'm thinking either the pot episode or the ribwich episode..

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Hux, that'd be phenomenal.

Pat: History of funk, eh? Maaaaybe...

I dunno, I like Heady Jams... But then some Muslix commercial was on, and I was like 'huh... Muslix kinda sounds like Music... but not exactly.'

Toneberry is flat out rejected as it mispronounces my 'handle' (though I blame stapes, not any of you). ::

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