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HAPPY 13TH!!!!!


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hope everyone is gonna have a good day, i know i am!! started weird, where i work we share the building with Y108 so the lot was already filled with bikers this mornin, much more relaxing then what im used to, all the suits running around in the morning

gonna be a good day

plus im finally moving outta grubby dons WOOO!

hope everyones is gonna have a good one today

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for fuck sakes! That's why my morning has been so shitty!

Customers are crazy - their making me crazy!

work smerk! Why are people so mean and stupid sometimes? I don't understand. People fly off the handle for the most retarded things!!!

Here's hoping to a better 2nd half of the day!

Have a great Weekend!

(and remember if it isn't going to matter if 5 years - then fuck it!)

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