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Boathouse (Kitchener) open stage jam today

mark tonin

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Thanks to everyone that made it out to the party at the Lanc last night.

Harvard Mouse + Diesel Dog + Organic Groove + lots of fun people = an excellent time!

Extra-special thanks to the out-of-towners that made the journey.

For anyone that wants to continue the party, there is an open-stage jam at the Victoria Park Boathouse this afternoon (Saturday). Some of Harvard Mouse will be there to play some music, eat some food, and drink some beer. Come on out to this sweet little venue if you can. The jam is from 2 until 6, the I think the mice are aiming to be there between 3 and 4 p.m.

Peace, Mark

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Yes, James is an easy-going guy to jam with and hosts a comfortable open stage.

It was a nice way to spend a Saturday afternoon ... thanks for making it out, along with Jen, Dr. Evil & CJ and their children, Daveymouse and his family, Tigger and Michelle, and others.

No Organic Groove on Saturday afternoon, but they sure led a raging drum circle on Friday night!

Peace, Mark

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