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One for Hux


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Hope you're holding up well. I saw this letter in the Globe today, and thought you'd enjoy (not like I entirely concur with what you can find in the Bible ;), but it is cute).

Liberals in the Bible

My thanks to John Barber for his article Hopeless in Toronto: Come On, Tories, Can't You At Least Try? (Dec. 10). I was interested in the question of whether a Conservative candidate used the Bible in his campaign.

I cannot find the word "conservative" in the Bible. The word "liberal" is used a few times and in a complimentary fashion. For example, in the Psalter Book of Common Prayer, 1962, Psalm 37, Verse 21: "The righteous are just and liberal." The sense of the word "liberal" here is "generous in giving."

The Book of Isaiah, Chapter 32, Verse 8 (King James Version) has this: "But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things he shall stand." In this verse, liberal means noble.

In Proverbs, "liberal" means prosperous, as in Chapter 12, Verse 25: "The liberal should shall be made fat" (King James). New New English Bible translates this verse: "A generous man grows fat and prosperous."

In the Bible, "liberals" are shown to be generous, noble, and prosperous. The conservatives are not mentioned. I think, therefore, we should be patient with the Conservative Party candidates who hold up their Bibles during the campaign. After all, they only want to be included.


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