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Drunk drivers' penalty in Taiwan: Pay fine or play mahjong with the elderly


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some of you on this board better learn how to play mahjong (and move to Taiwan!!!)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) - Drunk drivers in Taiwan can now choose their penalty: Pay a fine or play mahjong with the eldery.

Petty criminals in Taiwan are increasingly being handed a variety of civil duties rather than serving time in prison or cleaning the streets, said Hsu Yi-ling, an official at the Taoyuan Prosecutors Office in northern Taiwan.

Playing the popular Chinese tile game of mahjong with token money has taught offenders to love and care for the elderly, Hsu said.

"The offenders first dismissed the duty as wasting time, but they soon discovered they were respected and drew satisfaction from helping the elderly," Hsu said.

Instead of jail terms, the Taiwan government has encouraged prosecutors to hand out civil service duties to petty criminals, such as first-time burglars and those posting nude pictures on the Internet, she said.

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