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Where can I find schedules for visiting foreign dignitaries? Karzai is here for three days but all I can find out about his visit is an address to Parliament this morning.

Also.. Is there a live audio feed from parliament over the internet?

I've tried to look in some obvious places but am coming up empty.


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On a related bump-note.. I saw a Canadian politician (not sure which one) in a motorcade last night turning left onto Sussex from Wellington. WEhile not that rare to see, this politician or dignitary picked his nose while I was pulled up beside him. The rest of his face was obscured but the lines of the car and my view...

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Where can I find schedules for visiting foreign dignitaries?

Hmm I don't know if they release that information anywhere but then again I never really looked for it. The Whips office sends out a notice letting us know that someone is coming a few weeks before so that we can try to make sure that the Members are present. The Speaker of the House might have a reception for the guest in his quarters but that would not be open to the public.

Thanks... From DFAIT's page and the PMO page there is a little bit of info... Karzai is off to Montreal at some point... Trying to get a friend at DFAIT to get some info, but I don't think it will work. If they wanted the schedule public they would have released it.

Good speech he's giving so far.


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