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This Thursday: Live Music on the Radio(CHLY)


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This Thursday as part of CHLY's fund raising drive I will be having 2 awesome bands come into the studio and play live on the air. This will be during the Cheese and Crackers Show from 6-8 pm Pacific Time at 101.7 fm or www.chly.ca The bands that will be playing are:

The 97th Airborne - an awesome band. The best new artist I have heard on the scene this year. Kind of a Tom Waits meets the Band type of thing.


Vincent 45 - the best bluegrass band in Nanaimo. whose influences include but are not limited to Old and in the Way.

Check it out and you will not be disappointed.

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Aaaah! (I assume you'll read this after the show.) You just said the reason we weren't hearing the live music is that the bands were running late. That must have been a bit stressful as a DJ, I would think. You sounded good though, and a Mountain Jam while we wait seems like a pretty good compromise.

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97th Airborne has some good songs. Neat, jazzy, ska-esque. It's cool. At times, though, they sound like the could be a little "tighter", but that might also be because they're playing in a radio studio, and I'm listening over crappy computer speakers.

Cool band. I'd see them.

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Hey, thanks for sticking with it. It was pretty stressful, especially after plugging it on here and only having half the band there.

As for the band sounding not quite tight. It's because they really haven't been together that long. They've only played a handful of gigs and the leader moved to Van a couple of months ago while the rest of the band is still in Nanaimo. Plus, this was their first time playing in public with their keyboardist. Also, there was a real rush to get them set up and on the air once they all got there. Not to make excuses or anything.

I just am blown away with the song writing more than anything. Once you here the tunes a few times I find myself just humming them all the time. That and Brenden has surrounded himself with top quality players. Everyone of them has huge talent. They may not quite be "there" yet but they've got awesome potential and I see a possibly enormous upside for these guys.

What did you think of the bluegrass?

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I must admit that I tuned in and out of the show over the few hours. I must have missed the bluegrass.

I agree with you about the song writing. Good stuff. I'm also glad to hear they are relatively new, because that was essentially my opinion ... Good tunes, good players, need to tighten it up a bit (which only comes by playing together).

I really dug your show, too. You've got a great radio voice. If, however, I can offer very small constructive criticism, the only comment I have is that you should try to avoid too many "Ahs" and "Ums" between words. You don't do it too much, but enough that it's worth paying attention to.

Please take the criticism in the vein it was intended, which is only to be helpful. I think you are a good DJ, and have real potential in that business. I'm probably also a bit more hyper-sensitive to the "Ums" than some others, as I have to battle that same problem myself when speaking in Court.

I bookmarked CHLY on my computer. I plan to tune in regularly. I might even become a member, soon, if I really do start to become a regular user.

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I appriciate the criticism and really noticed it myself more than usual last night. During fund raising drives like that, which happen twice a year, it becomes much more difficult for me to flow naturally. That being said the rest of the time I probably um and ah too much anyway and am trying to work on it. I'm glad that you enjoyed what you heard though.


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