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The world needs more SLIDES!

Kanada Kev

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Damn, these look like fun!

Art lovers get giant playground

Five giant slides have built in the unlikely setting of the Tate Modern.


The newly installed gigantic slides at the Tate Modern

The largest slide is 55.5 metres long and descends from the fifth floor.


A visitor tries out one of the newly installed, five gigantic slides at the Tate Modern in London

The artist, Carsten Holler, describes the piece as a "playground for the body and the brain."

He believes the slides could combat stress reports the BBC.

He added: "Why don't we have them all around? The slide should be a more banal means of transportation, not necessarily linked to children or some kind of emergency. It should be used every day to get from one point to another."

The slides are part of the Test Site exhibit commissioned for the gallery's Turbine Hall.

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