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UN Convention on the Rights of Children


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Hi Everyone.

For those of you with children or close to children I could really use your help.

I am doing a public art installation for National Child Day on November 20.This years theme nationwide is a child's right to be heard, to have input into the matters that affect them as outlined in Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child.

I have extrapolated the theme to also examine the affect on children when their voices are silenced or their cares and worries unheeded- both the mental anguish to the child and the great loss to society as well.

The installation itself will incorporate clay bust self portraits made by children in one of my classes, all conveying an emotion they wish the whole world would see,that become the "forest"floor of budding,seeding potential, painted panels by myself depicting a "forest" of children- some being lost to shadow and being stunted as their voices are lost or unheard,others flourishing strong and green as their ideas and emotions find receptive and supportive ears, and a sculpture by another artist visually representing the tree of life.

We have planned that the "leaves" upon the tree will be imprinted with the wishes of children-what they wish people would listen to them about-almost like tibetan prayer flags.

From my own students I have collected quotes that ranged from the funny to the heartrending-students that wanted something seemingly trivial, some who wanted "grownups to listen to the sounds of snow leopards and think how sad it would be if you couldn't hear them anymore" and one in particular "wished people could hear when kids are crying inside".

With my own kids( where it was safe to approach intensely political subjects) I talked about Darfur then asked them what they would tell someone in charge.

I want the wish "leaves" to be as lush as possible.If you could encourage any child you know to think about the what they would like to say to the world and jot down the quote and pm it to me I would be so grateful.The child's name need not be contributed but if you would like it included in the installation I will need to get some contact info and a release.

For all those who contact me I will also send on the installation dates and send you pictures when it is done.

Thanks Everyone!!!

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