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Road side Memoials (no slip content)


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So I was watching an interesting debate last night on some tv show. they were talking about how this year the ontario government has decided with MADD to offer people who have lost someone in a accident the option to have a permeant plaque put out at the scene of the accident of near by.

I'm sure alot of people have seen the make shift memorials all over the 400 series highways in ontario. i personally pass about 5 on the way to my cottage, which is only a 45min drive.

they were debating on how approaite they were, , and how they are going to try and make them more uniform, and maintained.

I can understand the reason people might have for wanting this. but I am personally very against it. I find it distracting, and depressing to pass them everyday, on my way to and from the city and my cottage.

there were many good reasons why people wanted them,, and even more reasons whey they didn't, I was just interested to hear other peoples opinions on this topic. do you think there should be more of these, or do you think they should make a law against it?

I'd really like to see them all gone, one of the best points raised in the debate was that we don't make the place were people died, simply because we don't want it in our everyday lives. imagine walking around on your daily life and every place a person died there was a plaque, that would just be weird and creepy, imagine buying a house and finding someone grandpa buried in the back yard, or finding a plaque on the bed room wall saying this is where my nana died.

i understand that these deaths are mostly the result of drunk driving, and they hope it will deter people from driving drunk.. but i can't imagine any drunk person driving down the highway and seeing a plaque and deciding to pull over and stop driving.

my father died when i was kid, I go to his grave, to see him and remember him, i don't need to go to the hospital room he died in to feel closer.

I dunno lets her what you have to say

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