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Hallucinogenic Weapons: The Other Chemical Warfare

Kanada Kev

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This sounds like a really wild read and bizarre set of experiments. Last year I learned a lot about the psychedelic experiments launched by the US gov't in the 20th century reading this book:


Now, I come across an article online that takes me to a site of a new book about one of the experiments in particular with the drug "BZ" Sounds scary, but looks like a fun read. Here is the books website http://forgottensecrets.net/ Excerpts and interviews at the bottom of this post.

Hallucinogenic Weapons: The Other Chemical Warfare



and here


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Now, I come across an article online that takes me to a site of a new book about one of the experiments in particular with the drug "BZ" Sounds scary, but looks like a fun read:

I remember reading a huge artcile from way back while in highschool (86 or 87) about BZ (never forgot those initials), the US created so much of it, basically enough to kill the world. Crazy shit. Jacob's Ladder was also supposedly based (loosely) on that drug.

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BZ (never forgot those initials), the US created so much of it, basically enough to kill the world. Crazy shit. Jacob's Ladder was also supposedly based (loosely) on that drug.

Jacob's Ladder ... forgot about that movie. I remember it being pretty cool at the time.

As for the quantity of BZ, that may have been loosely related to this story that the author tells in the interview:

RU: Got any of that stuff left?

JK: Well, there was 40 pounds left in my office one day in a big black barrel…

RU: Oh yes! Do tell the story of the canister.

JK: I was chief of the department at that point. When I came into work one day, I noticed that there was a big, black, sort of oil barrel-type drum in the corner of the room. And no one said anything, or told me anything about it. So after a couple of days, my curiosity overcame me. After everyone had gone home, I opened it up and pulled out a jar. And I looked and saw that it was about 3.41623 kilograms of LSD. And so were the rest of the jars.

RU: Drop that baby on Iran and see what happens.

JK: But after another couple of days, the barrel was gone! I never heard anything; I never got a receipt for it. The LSD there was probably worth about a billion dollars on the street. And it just stayed there for a few days and went away.

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Yeah, the article I read (granted it was almost 20 yrs ago) mentioned the majority of it was gone, but there was way more then a few barrels made.

Heres a quote from a different artcile but I believe what I read back then probally was the same. My memory obviously wasn't bang on, but I had the gist of it.

One of the substances, a hallucinogen called BZ, was developed as an “incapacitating agent†for use against opposing military forces. Ten to 100 times more potent than LSD, it caused delirium for as long as four days, with other effects continuing far longer. According to Army calculations, BZ was so powerful that the amount in the Army’s inventory—50 tons at the time Freedom published its articles in 1979 and 1980—could kill every person in the United States four times over or incapacitate 10 times the world’s population.


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