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Greetings from Woodbourne Farm


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Hello Everyone:

I actually just found out about this site, imagine that.....in browsing around I've seen a few familiar faces, hello to brother Esau, Sho-ho among others. Probably there are a few folks on here under different names than they use on the Hub; if so, fire me a note and let me know who y'all are!

Anyway, I'm seeing a bunch of new names on here I don't recognize, so a bit about me: my real name is Pat, but friends call me Farley, so I guess you can call me Farley. I live here at Woodbourne Farm in southern NB, where we run a couple of shows each year, known respectively as the Spring Shaker and the Equinox festivals.

The first two of these festivals ran in 2002, and things have been shaping up ever since. The Shaker this year was a blast, with a good showing of olks from all over the place: we had one person from New Zealand, one from South America, a couple from BC, a whole bunch from Ontario, and about 700 other more or less local folks. Tunes included Bus, Swift, Nero, Wassabi, Fat Jebus, Tala and High Plains Drifter, and from all the feedback we got from various folk, everyone had a helluva good time.

We will be running the Equinox Festival (thought by some to be called the Fall Shaker) on Sept. 05 & 06, and the lineup will include Grand Theft Bus, The Jimmy Swift Band, Slowcoaster, Diesel Dog, Jomomma, Wheeler, The Vorcza Trio and Brothers Past.

Judging by preliminary emails I have received, this festival is shaping up to be one of the best ever, with a great deal of interest from south of the border. Anyone interested in attending this show should have a look at our website at www.woodbournefarm.homestead.com to find out about ticketing.

In reading through the boards here, it looks as though there is a great crowd of keen and conversational people on here I should meet and get to know, so step up folks! How's about a few intros??

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Farley your the man bro.

I look forward to seein' ya again this sept for the equinox.

Cheers bro and keep up the great work and those amazing festivals.

Hope there will be more pinyata(sp?) this fall.

Cheers to you from upper Canada [Wink][big Grin]

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Cheers back at ya brotha,

Yup, we are workin' on pinatas for both nights. Also got the place expanded somewhat, lotsa new stuff here...gimme a shout before you head out to Evolve, maybe we can hook up and caravan.

Spread the good word about the Equinox for us! Looks to be a good one.

Seeya soon!

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