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official statement from Camp Cactus


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found at www.ropeadope.com

and i quote, well, i cut and paste if you wanna get technical.

"""FREE MIKE:: this whole mike thing is crazy. EVEN WHEN i disregard the reported facts that clearly state that (i) the "victim in question's family" goes on record to say that it was a misunderstanding; (ii) this family goes on the record to say they specifically did not want this to become a media frenzy. and (iii) that there was no evidence of wrongdoing whatsoever (other than being stupid). and EVEN WHEN i disregard my general disdain for the sorry society we live in that is willing to believe everything (even a war!) that the consolidated right-wing media monsters that are now called the "press". and EVEN WHEN i disregard the past 12 months of working with mike day-to-day on his solo record (which happens to come out on tuesday!) where he showed an extremely rare passion for his art, that manifested itself through constant phone calls and daily emails with different creations including his music, his writings, his ideas, his movies and yes....his pictures!

EVEN WHEN i disregard all of THAT, there's one compelling reason that brings me immediately to his defense: mike gordon's our artist and he's our friend! helloooooo "innocent until proven guilty?" don't you think the guy has it hard enough from the rabid american public who never even heard of him until now and is quick to lynch? as a human and as a fan, i stand strong, an stand by our man. and to all the so called "fans" don't lose site of the fact that he's your friend too. this is the guy that set up a phone line and answering service to leave you daily messages and listen to everyone of yours. mike is always out in public as one of us, as a human. he's the guy showing up at every show, talking with every fan, sitting in with every musician and riding his segway back and forth amongst us the people, not on some bullshit rock-star altar. his every move, word or decision shows his unrelenting passion for his art AND his fans. and he's been bringing it to all of us, with nothing but love. can a brother get a little help?

at ropeadope, our motto is to stand strong. and now more than ever, I predict that the cactus will rise from these ashes, standing stronger than ever. And we support our troops. hope you can see it in yourselves to do the same.



so finally they got on teh ball and released an official statement,, mikeys hotline still isnt up,, but i can understand why,, his msg box would have been full 100 times over by now if they left it open to us.


EVEN WHEN i disregard the reported facts that clearly state that (i) the "victim in question's family" goes on record to say that it was a misunderstanding; (ii) this family goes on the record to say they specifically did not want this to become a media frenzy. and (iii) that there was no evidence of wrongdoing whatsoever (other than being stupid).

that kind of clears the air a bit i think

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everywhere is bias.

you go to MSNBC you get media bias

you go to mikes site you get his side bias.

the one thing that sways me is the parents saying that it was nothing, maybe he paid them off? but it would take me personally alot of dollars to forget my child was molested, how about you/ can you put a dollar amount on that????????? i dunno

but who knows, i dont.

another thing i heard today was the nassau county saying the developed the pictures mike took that night,, and some say hes fucked, some say its nothing,,, who fucking knows,, this is too weird of a situation,, its like theyre spliting sides almost,, but yet teh media is draggin it all thru the shit.

honestly i do not know. i hope for the best and im givin mike the benefit of the doubt, if i was him i wouldnt have done it. and i hope he didnt

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Who says anyone was molested? Sounds like you're buying into the media spin rather than the Mike spin. Your choice, but I buy into the MIke spin. I would prefer to hear something from someone I have met and spoken to than some chump journalist trying to be a sensationalist and stirring up crap to make a name for themselves.

I don't think the parents would accept a payoff being the Hells Angels. If they did they would probably have taken the payoff and then pressed charges anyway. I'm thinking that any parent who would say that it was a misunderstanding, if it wasn't, is a moron. If they said it was, I think it obvioulsy was, otherwise they would go through legal motions to bilk Mike out of everything he ever had.


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