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Losing the war on drugs? Reframe the debate.


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U.S. marijuana even stronger than before: report

National Institute on Drug Abuse Director Dr. Nora Volkow fears the problem is not being taken seriously because many adults remember the marijuana of their youth as harmless.

"It's really not the same type of marijuana," Volkow said in a telephone interview.

"Researchers and treatment experts have argued for some time that today's more powerful marijuana has more harmful effects on users. This report underscores that we are no longer talking about the drug of the 1960s and 1970s -- this is Pot 2.0," John Walters, director of National Drug Control Policy, said in a statement.

I'm very impressed with the co-opting of the Web 2.0 buzz term.

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They should invest all the money spent on the war on drugs on buying some pot and selling it, take the money put it into the war on homelessness, education, the war on cancer, all the other 'wars' going on and better their country once and for all. Good pot is always the best solution.

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