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NDP takes Outremont by ...


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20%! Good lord.

That strikes me as less about Quebec than the country as a whole: the Liberals are in trouble everywhere in rural Canada, the Conservatives no less so in the major urban centres. The Tories have time to work on their weak points: after this, the Bloc will be doing backflips to avoid bringing them down. The Liberals would do well to use the next 12 to 18 months to the same purpose. For what it’s worth, I would advise:

Forget about dumping your leader; he is not your problem. For that matter, forget any dreams you might have of reclaiming Quebec, as of old. Outside Montreal it is lost to you, and will be for years to come. Concentrate on holding onto the island, your federalist base. Instead, look for growth in the rest of the country, notably Ontario and the west, where population, money and power are rapidly shifting.

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