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Ottawa Sun - Letter Of The Day


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This was in todays Ottawa Sun:

RE "IRAQ," (editorial, Sept. 9): Thank you for your opinion piece on the U.S.'s plea for the international community to step in and help clean up the mess in Iraq.

The imperialistic motives of the U.S. in their unilateral invasion of Iraq are nothing short of criminal. Our economy, being inextricably linked to that of the U.S. will suffer a massive blow as a result of the stiff economic downturn that has resulted in the US from Bush/Rumsfeld's lust for oil and power (which, significantly, has made many friends of the Republicans rich at the expense of U.S. taxpayers). To offer aid in any form would be an enormous moral step backward for Canadians. In the event the international community does lend a hand, the U.S. won't relinquish any power over the governance of Iraq anyway -- they will point to the incongruous amount of money they've contributed to the Iraqi people's "liberation" to legitimatize their grip on the country's assets.

As far as the Iraqi people are concerned, they surely do deserve to have their infrastructure rebuilt, but the fact is that it simply won't happen while Americans are involved. There will be a long, drawn-out Iraqi civil war before any significant rebuilding happens.

David Barrett


(Let me take over for that idiot in the Sun for a second. Dave, are you simple?)

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