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Room for one more on moe.down ticket order


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If you're in Ottawa and are going to moe.down, but haven't yet ordered a ticket, I'll be placing an order tomorrow for three tickets, which means I have room for one more ticket in the order. The early bird price is US$90 (+ service charge and shipping; the shipping charge will be split across the tickets), and I think that's in effect until the end of June, after which it goes up.

I won't need the money until I actually get the ticket to you, so if you don't have the cash now, there's no problem; I expect the tickets to show up in mid-August (which is when they've arrived in past years), and it'll be a direct in-person ticket-for-cash swap, so as long as you'll have the cash then, you're fine.

If you're in Ottawa and want a ticket, send me a PM before noon Friday.




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