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Anyone pick up the new disc from everyone's favourite child molestor, Cactus Gordon? I was able to find it at Encore Records in Kitchener the other day for 20 bucks which seemed reasonable considering how hard to find it is. Anyhoo, on first listen it seemed a bit too "pop", yet somehow very odd all in the same, but after having listened to it a couple more times and exposing some other people to it, seems that it's actually quite good. Kicks the shit out of the Trey solo stuff as far as I'm concerned, the Pedal Steel is a great addition and the tunes are really enjoyable to listen to. Lyrically, it's a bit "out" there but great if you like the more nonsensical type Phish stuff. Which is not to say that the tunes are meaningless, but rather presented in a more stream of consciousness kind of way than usual. Anyhoo, just curious if anyone had heard it and had any thoughts. One way or the other, don't take my word for it, I LOVED Outside Out. Enough said.

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