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here's to a phishy 2009!

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well gang,

I'm shipping off to buffalo, and then to NYC.

Its been a fantastic year. I hope most of you feel the same way.

You make my time online a little more fun, and for that I thank you.

To Booche my honey bunny.... I always knew you were special....but there was one moment in 2008 that I will remember forever. I slid a glass cup up my ass and it shattered while stlll inside my rectum....I was scared, I was hurt, and I didn't think I could make it... but then you, my knight in shining armor, quickly put the camera down and helped me pick the shards of glass out of my bleeding anus. You even helped clean up the bloody, shitty pile of blood/glass/shit that we left on my carpet the next morning. Thats when I knew we'd be together forever.... I heart you more than I love sucking off Tiesto while he pushes play and collects his cheque.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to the last tribe of Jambanders left in Canada. You're a rare and beautiful breed.


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well gang,

I'm being shipped off to fuck a buffalo, and then to see Brand New Yorkshire Terriers for New Years Eve. I've always been a dog fucker, but this is just a blessing in disguise!

I've been a fantastic queer. I hope most of you feel the same way.

You make my time online a little more worthwhile. Y'all helped me to realize that plagirism isn't cool, and you somewhat appreciate the ignorance that I bring to this board.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to the last tribe of decent people that I have ridiculed and not had my ass kicked yet for doing so.


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