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It's obvious this was Murray's only choice to get a deal done prior to camp opening....

My question is what do the lines look like?









Does Karlsson make the Big Club?

Hennessy, Zubov, Regin, Zack Smith????

Murray should have made a move for a big name D man...I guess Heatley was the only player on his mind.

I dunno...still so many questions.

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I think the trade isn't that great for a few reasons starting with the fact we added cap (can someone confirm that?) for a combined 36 goals last season. And if you're going to give that the whole spread it around crap then combine Heatley with a second low priced player like Folignio and then see which pairing you'd rather have.

Whatever, what could Murray really pull off. I think the Edmonton trade (much better) and then that bullshit three way with LA + SJ (which when I first read I loved but knew it was too good) just kind of got me too far out on the end of the limb.

We'll see if Cheecho can turn it around. I like Michalek.

Spezza doesn't deserve the A at all but neither does Fish. Tough call.

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Guest Low Roller

Hopefully this whole Heatley deal leads to a new rule wherein if you request a trade it nullifies your NTC. The Edmonton deal was real good, but Murray just did not stand a chance this past summer.

I hope Heatley gets booed out of every arena and bar he walks into.

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