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computer help-burning dvds


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so ive been downloading movies from btjunkie, and every now and then, seems to happen more often this week, ill DL the movie fine, check to see it works fine in windows media, but once i burn it onto a disc and throw it in my dvd player, theres no sound??

all these movie files ive been getting are all AVI, im sure its a codec problem but i dont know how to resolve this so they will work on a dvd.

anyone know what i should do to beat this?


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yeah it says a 700mb file will take 3 1/2 hrs. wowza! my dvd player usually plays avis fine its just the last few ive been having problems with, and ive seen other comments mimic mine on the btjunky comments for the same torrents, im guessing im missing a codec or something in the dvd player, because they work fine on the comp. how the hell do you install something like that on a panasonic dvd player?

im dling a different version now to see if its just that torrent or what.

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AVI is a container format. If I remember correctly the AVI's that contain MPEG-4 video files (for example) are usually ones that play on most DVD players now-a-days and DV files contained within an AVI are not playable.

I'm not well versed in this stuff, but I believe that's the gist of it anyway. Also why some burn and play, while others need to be converted into a format that has the audio and video in separate streams.

Not sure about adding a codec to a DVD player though. I think conversion would be easier.

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