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Random Question..


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So over the holidays at my work there's a woman who plays the Electric Harp in the lobby of the building..

I filmed her doing

and posted it on YouTube and it's got like 80,000 views.. Her name is Joanna Jordan.. She's played for people like the Queen and the Pope and a whole bunch of others.

She's going to be at my work for the next month and I've challenged her to learn a Phish tune... and she's up to it, but needs an instrumental backing track to play along with, if you watch the video you can hear what I'm referring to.

Does anyone know if there even IS such a thing?!? and if so, where can I look for/find such a thing.. I think it'd be awesome to hear her take on Phish songs.. Any help would be appreciated.


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It's pretty damn cool..

I've been emailing with this guy out of New Jersey here's the latest. "I just have a good old fashioned rock band in New Jersey, way south in the US: http://www.facebook.com/Matchaponix

I'm not sure how much Phish they'd want to do but I just e-mailed a Phish cover band out of NYC to see if they'd be interested."

So if this all pans out I will certainly share whatever the results are.

Do you guys have any suggestions for Phish songs that they could cover?!?

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