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This is Alice,she'll be your guide to connecting music keyboards to computers.

Alice works at digital music world also,with Marco,but feels Marco is rather creepy and says: "If thinking didn't give me wrinkles,I would figure out a way to get that guy fired...ARGH"


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This is Zog.He's your guide to Synthesizers,electronic keyboards and samplers.Zog's a young go getter with a "can do" attitude,he works hard and is a valuable memeber of the digital music world team.


Zog is not to fond of Marco either,Zog feels Marco likes to try to "run the show" so to speak around the store and feels things would run more smoothly if Marco was not employed there,but Zog is far to nice of a person to tell Karl(store manger) his disapproval of Marco's actions and attitude towards him and his quality of work.

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Alice has overheard Marco talking to Karl(store manger) about the possibility of having Zog fired,Alice isnt happy about this.Alice has a crush on Zog,but feels Zog's attention to detail and love of work will bring an unstable vibe into a relationship.But Alice feels she will need to inform Zog of this fiendish idea Marco has to have him fired.


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