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Posts posted by SevenSeasJim

  1. [color:red]Booche, do you wear a visor? :wink:

    Los Angeles Kings forward Sean Avery - never one to shy away from opinion - had plenty of strong words regarding Phoenix Coyotes defenceman Denis Gauthier and French Canadian hockey players.

    When asked about the blueliner's hit on Kings teammate Jeremy Roenick in a preseason game Sunday night, Avery did not hold back digging into Gauthier and Quebec-born NHLers.

    "I think it was a clean hit," he explained on Tuesday. "I think it was typical of most French guys in our league with a visor on, running around and playing tough and not back anything up."

    "I'd think if a guy like Brett Hull was coming up the middle, somebody probably wouldn't have stepped up and hit him, but like I said, a typical move from a guy wearing a visor that certainly doesn't like to get scratched at all."

    Avery later apologized through a team-issued press release.

    "I certainly did not want to offend anyone with my comments earlier today," the statement read. "I am an emotional guy who sometimes says things that shouldn't be said. I apologize if I offended anyone."

    Gauthier insists he wasn't trying to injure Jeremy Roenick when he levelled the veteran Kings.

    Roenick, who was livid with Gauthier after the game, suffered the 11th documented concussion of his career as a result of the clean hit that Gauthier delivered during the second period.

    Roenick said that he has spoken with Gauthier and buried the hatchet after a lenghty discussion.

    It isn't the first time Avery has made controversial remarks surrounding the game.

    During the NHL lockout, he told Toronto sports radio The Fan 590 that he wouldn't mind the possibility of dropping NHL teams and jobs at the expense of players from overseas.

    "I think they can eliminate a lot of Europeans who are mediocre and are taking a lot of jobs," Avery told The Fan 590 in February.

    When told that the NHL Players' Association did a lot of things for the best interests of all players - regardless of background - Avery maintained that it was his own opinion.

    "The Association does a lot of things," he said. "I'm just talking for me."

    When the lockout ended in July, Avery said NHL players were wrong and sorry while holding back no punches on NHLPA boss Bob Goodenow.

    "We were brainwashed," he told the L.A. Times about the decision to follow the union's advice during contract talks with the owners.

    "I am furious at Bob. Bob thought he was bigger than he was. Bob brainwashed players like me."

  2. [color:purple]Yep they're hardocre "real Fans" alright...heres an example:

    I was at the Leafs/Bruins pre-season game in Hamilton the other week,now me & my buddys are all Bruins fans,so we end up sitting behind a few leafs fans,nothing unusual so far,anyway,in front of them were some young kids from a hockey team,probally 12 of them,13 or 14 years old,all wearing Bruins gear and cheering on the Bruins.Well by the middle of the second period these chumps in front of us were so drunk on beers they decided they would start harrassing these kids,name calling,swearing,insulting them..we sat there and watched this,then one of these chumps decides to pour his half beer over one of the kids who kept ignoring them first of all & yelling louder them,this started a whole bunch of drama resulting in these mid twenties leaf fans pushing & threatening these kids,so myself & a couple other buddies speak up & ask why they don't start somthing with us....they told us to mind our business,my buddy John says thats his little brother (not really though) they poured the beer on & if he wants to fight anyone then go him....things got quiet & two of them wandered off...heres what they did.

    They (leaf fans) went & got the police & we had to leave 5 minutes into the third for threatening them,they were also ejected from what we were told,but not until closer to the end of the game after numerous complaints about harassing those kids (yet again).

    [color:purple]Now thats hardcore real hockey fans.

    Don't be painting all hardcore Leaf fans with that brush. I'm usually hiding under the seat with embarassement :wink:

  3. Did you ever think the ACC is sold out due to the fact that Toronto's population is 4 times that of Ottawa's

    ...not to mention that the ACC is always 90% full of suits (with free corporate tickets) who are too busy buying $12 beer to even bother paying attention to the game or standing up to cheer. I was never a full on Leafs hater, but that whole thing kinda bugs me.

    That's why all the real Leaf fans have to wait until they play in Buffalo. It's like a home game for them.

  4. Obesity associated with eating too much junk food could become a thing of the past following a scientific breakthrough.

    According to British scientists, fast food high in fat and calories could be made healthier by adding extracts from exotic seaweed.

    The seaweed extract, called alginate, could be used to increase the fibre content of pies, burgers, cakes and other high fat foods.

    Rest Of Story

  5. I fell asleep waiting for a train and my foot came off the brake so I started to move towards the fast moving freight train. Luckily this happened during a driving lesson and my instructor, upon realizing I was sleeping, slammed on his brake about 4 feet from the train.

    He made me smoke one of his cigarettes after that to wake me up.

    Now that's funny. Falling asleep during a driving lesson. Priceless.

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