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Posts posted by SevenSeasJim

  1. the only thing i like about other people's drama on the board is it makes everyone feisty and sometimes a good knock down drag out is good to spice it up more than yawny requests for heady vibes. :)

    Be careful - I heard making fun of vibes is a thread-lockable' date=' thread-deletable offense...[/quote']

    hahaha (i hope this isn't like a messenger response)

  2. I'm just curious to know why some people are complaining about an election over Christmas? How does it really effect anybody but the people working on the election? Is it because they won't be laying on the couch every night watching TV? Or because they are trying to watch TV and only getting whiney bitches on every Canadian statation while they are trying to watch Rudolph?

  3. Now this is a cool punishment.

    PAINESVILLE, Ohio (AP) - An animal rescuer who abandoned 35 kittens in two parks has been sentenced to a night in the woods without food or shelter.

    Painesville Municipal Court Judge Michael A. Cicconetti, known for handing out unusual punishments, sentenced Michelle M. Murray to the spend the cold night alone when she begins her 15-day jail sentence next week.

    Murray, 25, pleaded guilty last month to abandoning domestic animals, a second-degree misdemeanor. The kittens were recovered but many had upper respiratory infections and nine died.

    "How would you like to be dumped off at a Metropark late at night, spend the night listening to the coyotes coming upon you, listening to the raccoons around you in the dark night, and sit out there in the cold not knowing where you're going to get your next meal, not knowing when you are going to be rescued?" Cicconetti asked Murray. "That's what you're going to do."

    Murray must report to jail at 6 p.m. Wednesday where she will be taken into custody of the Lake Metroparks rangers, according to the judge's sentence. The rangers will take her to a remote location in a park where she must remain until dawn.

    The Metroparks will provide Murray with a means of communication for emergency purposes.

    "We're taking the precautions to ensure her safety," Cicconetti said.

    Many of the kittens died a slow death, said Candace Hertzel, executive director of the Lake County Humane Society. She approved of the creative sentence.

    "I don't think it's harsh at all," Hertzel said. "We're thrilled to see she got some jail time and Judge Cicconetti sends a messages that any cruelty to animals will not be tolerated in his jurisdiction."

    Cicconetti also sentenced Murray to three years' probation and ordered her not to own or care for any animals during that time. She must pay $3,200 in restitution to Lake County Humane Society and $500 to Lake Metroparks.

    She faced up to 90 days in jail and a $750 fine.

    Murray apologized again in court Thursday for her actions. She said at a previous hearing that she was having family problems at the time she abandoned the kittens.

    Cicconetti said he was disturbed by the fact that she made trips to dump the kittens on two different days.

    "You come back home and have time to think about it and do it again," he said. "That's a little more deliberate."

    Cicconetti's past sentences have include ordering a man, who called an officer a pig while shouting obscenities during a confrontation, to stand on a city sidewalk for two hours in a pen next to a 350-pound pig along with a sign reading, "This is not a police officer."

    Painesville is about 30 miles northeast of Cleveland.

    (Copyright 2005 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

  4. Dear Sanctuary,

    The last couple of days, I've had this nagging headache that just won't go away. Well that's not true, the minute I eat something, it goes away, for a little bit then comes back. It could be stress related, putting up with my wife can be trying at times ;) Cigarettes, maybe, caffeine, maybe, but I haven't really changed my routine significantly. I catch myself clenching my jaw sometimes, could that be a factor?

    Anyways, what's your diagnosis????

    Yours Truly,


    e withdrawl :wink:

  5. The roar is getting louder.....

    Ban 50 Cent, says Toronto MP

    Last Updated Wed, 23 Nov 2005 12:24:40 EST

    CBC Arts

    U.S. rapper 50 Cent should be barred from entering Canada, says Toronto MP Dan McTeague.

    The Liberal politician asked Immigration Minister Joe Volpe on Tuesday to deny the artist entry for a Canadian tour scheduled to launch in Vancouver Dec. 3.

    Toronto MP Dan McTeague.

    McTeague says 50 Cent promotes gun violence, a message he feels Torontonians in particular don't need to hear. A record 48 people have been shot to death in the city so far this year.

    50 Cent, who was born Curtis Jackson in Queens, N.Y., has a criminal record and would need a ministerial permit to enter Canada.

    "[color:red]I don't think people in Toronto or any urban centre need or want to hear Mr. Jackson's message right now," McTeague said.

    "I think it's time we send a message of our own to those who glorify violence that their gratuitous violence and movies are not welcome in our country," McTeague said. "We need to do a better job at protecting Canadians from people whose message runs counter to all of our efforts of trying to curb gun violence."

    50 Cent recently made his movie debut in Get Rich or Die Tryin', a violent semi-autobiographical street drama.

    Volpe's spokesman Steven Heckbert said permits allowing those with criminal records to enter Canada are issued regularly.

    "It's permission that's granted typically about 12,000 times a year," Heckbert told the Canadian Press.

    "Whether the minister or departmental officials make a decision about intervening or not, it's really not appropriate for us to be talking about it in a public forum," he said.

    50 Cent's tour is scheduled to stop in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, Halifax and Saint John.

  6. A company (WindPower Gen) wanted to build a test site on the shores of Georgian Bay just north of Parry Sound, but were denied because the people who have cottages (who spend a few weeks per year at them) cried about the birds and noise pollution (what fucking noise pollution). It's funny how the rich people in southern Ontario dictate what's right for the rest of us.

  7. This is awesome!

    Cheap oil from Chavez arrives in U.S.

    Last Updated Wed, 23 Nov 2005 07:24:01 EST

    CBC News

    Thousands of low-income people in Boston and New York will get help with heating oil this winter, thanks to a gesture from Venezuela's controversial president.

    Citgo Petroleum Corp., a company controlled by the Venezuelan government, will supply more than 12 million gallons of home heating oil at a cost 40 per cent below market prices.

    Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. (AP file photo)

    The oil will be distributed by two non-profit organizations.

    Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez proposed offering fuel directly to poor communities in the United States in August, when oil prices were hitting record highs.

    His offer was seen as an attempt to embarrass the Bush administration, with which Chavez has long been at odds. He once called the U.S. president a "genocidal madman," and led 10,000 protesters in an anti-Bush march at the recent Summit of the Americas.

    The first supplies of cheaper oil arrived Tuesday in the Boston area, where Joe Kennedy of Citizens Energy pointed out that American oil companies and the U.S. government have so far failed to provide similar relief.

    "Our federal government has made billions and billions and billions of dollars just this year on the royalty payments the oil companies pay to the government of the United States," he said.

    But when it comes to help for low-income Americans, Kennedy said, "What do we hear from Washington? 'Sorry, boys. There's no money in the till.


    Democratic Congressman William Delahunt of Massachusetts publicly thanked Chavez, as well as the government and people of Venezuela.

    "They should know that their generosity will [keep] thousands of families here in Massachusetts from being forced to make an unacceptable choice between food, between heat, between health care, and between paying the rent," he said.

    The United States relies on Venezuela for about 10 per cent of its oil supplies.

  8. story.uglydog.ap.jpg

    SANTA BARBARA, California (AP) -- Sam, the dog whose ugliness earned him TV appearances, limousine rides and even a meeting with millionaire Donald Trump, has died, the Santa Barbara News-Press reported Tuesday.

    The pooch with the hairless body, crooked teeth and sparse tuft of hair atop his knobby head died Friday, just short of his 15th birthday, said his owner, Susie Lockheed.

    "I don't think there'll ever be another Sam," she said, adding wryly, "Some people would think that's a good thing." (Watch Sam's bizarre gait and hear him howl -- 3:04)

    Sam became an international celebrity after winning the ugliest animal contest at the 2003 Sonoma-Marin Fair in California -- a victory he twice repeated. The purebred Chinese crested hairless made appearances on TV in Japan, radio in New Zealand and in Britain's Daily Mirror tabloid, stayed in luxury hotels and met Trump on a talk show set.

    Lockheed marketed his visage on T-shirts, a calendar and even a coffee "ugly mug."

    At the time of his death, Sam was scheduled to be filmed for a Discovery Channel series on the world's ugliest species.

    Lockheed said she was initially terrified of Sam when she agreed to take him in as a rescue six years ago on a 48-hour trial basis. Although she fell in love with him, his appearance repulsed her then-boyfriend and prompted the man to break up with her.

    Later, however, Sam became a matchmaker by bringing together Lockheed and her current beau, who saw a picture of the two on an online dating site.

    Lockheed said she had Sam euthanized after a veterinarian told her Sam's heart was failing.

    She said she's felt a little lost ever since, and is sleeping with Sam's favorite toy -- a stuffed bear he picked up and carried home.

    "I have snuggled Sam under my blankets on my bed for six years," said Lockheed, who has three other dogs named TatorTot, TinkerBell and PixieNoodle.

  9. Did anybody catch this yesturday? Fucked up shit.

    FIFA may ban Turkey from 2010 World Cup

    World Cup of Soccer

    World Cup of Soccer

    Associated Press

    11/17/2005 10:27:09 AM

    ZURICH, Switzerland (AP) - FIFA will consider banning Turkey from the 2010 World Cup as punishment for the violence at Wednesday's playoff match against Switzerland in Istanbul, FIFA president Sepp Blatter said Thursday.

    "We will act tough," Blatter said. "The catalogue of sanctions extends from a simple warning to suspension of the federation, which could mean exclusion from the next international event."

    Blatter said FIFA's disciplinary committee will start its investigation immediately and decide on sanctions by Dec. 9, the date for the draw of the 2006 World Cup in Germany.

    "In the truest sense of the word, fair play was trampled underfoot," Blatter told a news conference at FIFA headquarters. "This is unworthy of football. Football should promote understanding among peoples. This didn't happen here."

    Blatter, who is Swiss, said he found it "difficult to speak as a Swiss and as a FIFA president about something that concerns both Switzerland and FIFA. But it's my responsibility."

    Blatter said Marcel Mathier, the Swiss lawyer who heads the disciplinary committee, will refrain from considering the case.

    The two teams tied 4-4 on aggregate, but the Swiss advanced to next year's World Cup in Germany on away goals.

    "If a team that has won cannot celebrate on the pitch and instead have to run off like thieves, then something is wrong," Blatter said.

    After the final whistle, both teams raced from the field apparently to escape angry fans. A scuffle between players from both sides ensued in the tunnel on the way to the locker-room.

    Swiss defender Stephane Grichting was injured in the brawl and hospitalized with a groin injury, the Swiss Football Association said.

    Some of the violence was caught by television cameras.

    Swiss player Benjamin Huggel kicked Turkish trainer Mehmet Ozdilek in the back of the legs as the two teams left the field. Turkey's Alpay Ozalan tried to kick Huggel in retaliation but instead made contact with another Swiss player in front of him. Huggel then grabbed Alpay around the neck and fell to the ground, with other players, coaches and security guards piling on.

    Blatter said FIFA would consider a range of severe sanctions against Turkey.

    "Anything can happen - from nothing at all to the suspension of the Turkish federation or even a ban on participation in the next World Cup," he told a Swiss radio interviewer earlier.

    Turkish soccer officials accused Blatter of being biased.

    "Blatter's comments were extremely unfortunate," Turkish soccer federation vice-president Sekip Mosturoglu said. "This was not a one-sided event."

    Blatter said FIFA would await the report from the match officials in Istanbul.

    "What disturbs me the most the lack of respect shown the official Swiss delegation from their arrival until their departure," he said.

    The Swiss said they were subjected to hostile treatment when they arrived in Istanbul on Monday, including being held up for several hours in passport control. Fans taunted the players and reportedly threw eggs and rocks at the team bus as it left the airport.

    Blatter criticized FIFA representatives for not being at the airport for the Swiss team's arrival.

    "This is incomprehensible," he said. "At least they could have given psychological support."

    Tensions had been mounting since the first match Saturday in Bern, which the Swiss won 2-0. The Turkish team complained of poor treatment. Turkey coach Fatih Terim said Swiss striker Alex Frei cursed at him and made an obscene hand gesture after the first match. Frei denied it.

    FIFA spokesman Andreas Herren noted that there had been previous problems with Turkish fans during the qualifying rounds. FIFA imposed a 10,000 Swiss franc ($8,985 Cdn) fine after a match against Ukraine.

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