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Posts posted by Fendermender

  1. Yup, that works too, especially with cylindical posts. Just be sure not to cross the string over itself (on the post). If your posts are tapered (narrow at the hole,kinda like apple cores), it really doesn't matter, since each successive turn helps to bind the previous one. (see original reply for full info)

  2. First thing is to figure out where the strings are breaking; at the bridge saddle, in the nut slot, at the tuning machine post hole, etc. I see all of these problems on a daily basis, and if you are already using medium gauge strings, you probably don't want to go any heavier. Check the saddle for nicks and burrs (ideally, it would be smooth, maybe slightly worn by each string). Do those strings bind in the nut slots when tuning? If so, a luthier could clean up the string-nut slots to get rid of that friction. When re-stringing; once through the hole, two or three wraps going down the post of the E and A strings is usually sufficient. For the D,G,B,and E, however, wrap the strings in a smooth spiral enough times to get below the edge of the post-hole. This way, the tension rests on a smooth, rounded surface (rather than an edge) and should allow for full string life and ease of tuning. :)

  3. Hey, a little shameless self-promotion never hurt anyone, right?

    This is gonna be a busy night for me, drumming in both bands. Real Gone Daddies start at 9:30pm, sharp. Stick around for Drums/Space in the 2nd TMNS set, cause there'll be some guest percussionists out to kink up the groove!


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